3- Who, What, Where?

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I awoke to loud voices and my face practically hitting the floor. Of course, being a cat now, I landed perfectly fine... But, that doesn't mean i'm not upset about the rude awakening.

"Deidara-senpai!!" a childish, high-pitched voice screeched happily.

My fur bristled at the noise.

"Tobi, un! Look what you made me do you idiot, un!!" Deidara said angrily, stepping over me and scooping me up with care.

There was a deathly silence.

"A KITTEN!!!!!" Tobi screeched, jumping up and trying to grab at me.

I cowered away, to surprised to even think about my new-found cat ability of hissing and scratching.

Deidara managed to push Tobi away, and stalked past. Though, as he was making his way down a darkened hall, he bumped into another cloaked guy.

"What do you have there little shit?" another loud, obnoxious voice questioned.

"None of your business, Hidan, let me pass, un," Deidara was clearly getting frustrated.

"What the fuck is that?" Hidan was getting louder now, "...A freaking cat?!?" Hidan had shouldered Deidara against a wall.

"What are you two doing in the middle of the hall?" a more serious, and mysterious man stepped into the light.

"The kid has a freaking kitten," Hidan seemed to be holding back laughter.

The serious one widened his eyes, "A cat? What the hell?!? Why do you have a freaking cat? You know how much money animals are?!" he began to get loud as well.

Seriously, not a good week for me. My ears were ringing and I was dizzy from all the movement and noise after just waking up.

My fur bristled completely, and my claws jutted out causing Deidara to 'yelp' and drop me. I landed on my feet, my teeth bared as I snarled.

"What the hell?!? I wake up from the f-first damn good sleep I've had in the past few days, to find random guys yelling everywhere, referring to me as 'freaking cat' every f-five seconds... who do you think you are?!?! F-freaking assholes, just shut the fuck up!!" at least this is what I tried to say (sadly, I guess I even stutter in my head when I'm mad), but all I managed was a hiss that increased in volume as I ranted in my head.

The silver haired one had slightly widened eyes, then burst out laughing, "Damn, calm down cat," he almost keeled over from laughter, "You know what brat, keep the cat, I like it. It almost seems like it has a dirty mouth in some cat language."

"You better know how you're paying for that thing," the other guy said as the two walked away.

Deidara grunted and picked me up again, he pulled his sleeve back to look at the little puncture marks of my claws.

My ear flattened in a bit of guilt, so I nudged an apology, remembering this time that I can't talk.

He scratched between my ears and finally opened the door to a room that I'm assuming is his considering the scent. He placed me on a bed, and looked down at me curiously.

"...Well...where to begin... you're in the Akatsuki base currently, which means that, as of now... you're the Akatsuki's Kitten."

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