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Hello! Thank u for being patient with me—here's the chapter from yesterday<3


Abuse - manipulation - self hatred - injuries?

Quackity walked through the door of his house, quietly shutting it behind him.

The floor below him creaked, as he made his way to the kitchen to start on dinner.

Turning around the corner, he was met with a very annoyed looking father.

Quackity took a step back, startled from the man in front of him.

He had to fight every muscle in his body to stop himself from running away.

He took a deep breath. "H-hey da—sir, what's wrong..?"

Normally his dad wouldn't be home for another hour or two.

Why he was so early, Quackity had no idea.

"Where is my dinner boy!?" He said, aggressively stepping closer and closer to the younger.

Quackity blinked. He had just gotten home. He had no idea his dad was going to be here. He didn't have time to make dinner yet.

"You see sir, I just got home from s-school and—"

His father shoved him towards the wall.

"Excuses, excuses, excuses. NOW WHERE IS MY DINNER!?" He shouted at the shorter.

Quackity jumped, sinking further to the wall. What was he supposed to do now!?

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't have time—"

"WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!?" His father screamed, punching Quackity in the stomach.

The boy doubled over, holding his stomach in pain.

"YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A USELESS BRAT!" He yelled, kicking him.

Quackity yelped out in pain.

He knew this was normal. He should have made dinner. Why was he so useless?

"WEAK! CAN'T HANDLE EVEN A LITTLE PAIN!" His father loudly scolded him.

He grabbed the boy's arm, holding in both hands. He jerked into a painful position, as a loud crack rang out.

Quackity screamed.

Pain shot through his arm, cascading to the rest of his body.

His father laughed maniacally, finally letting him go.

The boy sobbed, trying not to put any weight on his arm as he stood up.

Why couldn't he have just made dinner like he was supposed to?

This was all his fault. 


I'm sorry it's so short, writers block is not very nice...

Go eat and drink something please<3

Today's chapter is coming in a bit<3

Too Loud - A Quackity Angst - High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now