CHAPTER 3- "The Man in the TV"

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A/N: I nearly forgot; Big thank you to u/XriZe-hardown on Reddit for helping think of most of the chapters! :) 

Another thing, if Gabe or Six seem OOC in this chapter I sincerely apologize for that. 🥲



[9:58 AM]

[Mandela County, Wisconsin]


"That's the girl...?"

Six muttered to himself as he took another drag from the cigarette in his mouth, his gaze fixated on a small brunette girl as she stood with her brother and their friend from their neighborhood as they watched from one of the many TVs in the little TV shop that he chose to hide in a cartoon they seemed to like.

He had apparently been bragging about this girl nonstop for several years now. And now after years of nagging curiosity, Six was finally getting a chance to meet the girl.

Six blew out the smoke gathered in his mouth from the cigarette after taking it out of his mouth, holding it in between his fingers and looking down at the watch on his wrist.

9:59 AM...It's almost time...

Six had asked Him for an idea on how he could introduce himself, as it would be awkward for him to just go up to the girl and take her away with him without context, and He said he would think of a way.

However, knowing Him, no way in hell was he planning anything simple. Oh no, he would NEVER! That would be too boring!

Six sighed as he threw the little stub of his cigarette onto the ground, stepping on it to put it out.

That was when he looked up and saw it...

An 8 foot tall alternate staring at the children from an alleyway across the street...

It took him a couple of seconds but he immediately realized that this is was He was planning all this time.

He continued to watch from the television set, though his gut was telling him to grab the children and run. But then again, he also knew it would be considered unprofessional of him if he did, so therefore he had to wait a bit longer.

The alternate soon pulled away from its spot and slowly began to make its way to the kids...


and Closer...


"Hey there..." Six said, finally speaking up as the alternate froze.

The 3 kids immediately started scanning the area in search of the source of the voice before eventually finding Six in the small TV in the top right corner of the shop window. Their reactions to him were all different; The oldest boy was terrified upon seeing him, the middle boy was dumbfounded, and the youngest girl was in awe.

"Hey kids, wanna see something cool?" Six asked the children, to which the the young girl nodded her head enthusiastically whilst her brother was shaking his head in disagreement.

Six chuckled as he cracked his knuckles and stuck his hand out through the TV screen and the window, the kids gasped in amazement and fear.

Immediately, the younger girl grabbed hold of his hand despite her brother's desperate attempts to pull her aside and Six pulled her into the TV. She giggled and rose to her feet.

"That was so cool!" She exclaimed with excitement.

"Haha, it's nothing too special, kid" Six said bluntly. He then noticed the girl staring over at the TV screen at the boys.

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