New, Old Friends

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A few hours of crawling through air vent, and vents Ezra didn't want to know what they went to, brought them to the upper resident area of Coruscant. The buildings in this sector were just as tall as the rest, but some where made of different hued durasteel, so they stood out from the rest. They exited the vent system above a flight of stairs attached to the outside of a white and very pristine residential building. Ben led him down the stairs and they went inside. Walking quickly they went down several carpeted corridors before stopping in front of a blue tinted durasteel door. Ben pressed an embedded button next to it and Ezra cold hear melodic chimes ring throughout the inside of the apartment. Moments later a tall, slender blonde woman in her late fifties opened the door. Her ice blue eyes lit up and she smiled brightly when she saw Ben.

"I'll tell Kaaydin you're here." She said and disappeared back into the house. Ezra perked up at the name, but didn't say anything. They followed her down the short entrance corridor to the living space. Ezra couldn't help but gape when he saw the inside of the house. The walls and ceilings were creamed colored and the floors were a dark glossy wood that reflected everything. Sky blue furniture was situated in the living space, centering around a enormous holo-TV and a low table the same color as the floor. The kitchen, adjacent to the living space was equal in size to the living space. It's walls were a warm orange with deep silver cabinets and appliances.

"Kaaydin!" The woman called down a hallway connected to the living space. The woman smiled at the two boys and went into the kitchen. A tall boy Ben's age with bright blonde hair stuck his head out of a room down the corridor, smiling mischievously. When Ezra saw him it made him think of a nexu- lithe and quick. Ben quickly walked down the corridor to him with Ezra close behind him. The boy's smile faltered when he saw Ezra.

"I- I. . .Is th- ?" The boy stuttered looking at Ben then at Ezra.

"Yep." Ben confirmed. The blonde boy looked stunned for a moment before grinning widely.

"Wizard." He said. They stepped into what Ezra assumed was his bedroom, but with all the mechanical and flora things occupying most of the room he couldn't really tell. Looking closely he could see the walls, which were painted to look like deep space and the floor looked like it was covered in moon dust. A wad of blankets and a thick mat on the floor was presumably the boy's bed.

"Ezra," Ben said, interrupting his thoughts. "This is Kaaydin Marek. He knows your future self."

Kaaydin grinned widely and stuck his fingerless gloved hand out.

"Nice to meet you. Again."  Ezra shook his hand awkwardly.

"So, um, you can send me back to my own timeline?" Ezra asked Kaaydin. The boy scrunched his face up and shrugged.

"Theoretically." He said, sitting down in a hover chair. He put his hands behind his head and started tapping his foot on the floor. Ezra found the older boy's outfit odd. Kaaydin wore a sleeveless black shirt made of nerf-leather with baggy dark green pant and black traveling boots.

"What's the last thing you saw or touched?" Kaaydin asked Ezra, he previous childishness gone. Ezra pushed the other thoughts from his head.

"A stone." Ezra replied. Kaaydin frowned slightly and raised an eyebrow.

"Care to elaborate a bit more? Every detail counts." Kaaydin said dryly.

"It was a brown, river stone and I think it was Force sensitive." Ezra said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Objects can be Force sensitive right?"

Kaaydin grinned. "Well sensitive to the Force, but yes. It might explain how you got here."

"I would have to see the stone first. Do you have it?" Kaaydin asked him. Ezra shook his head.

"My dad put it his personal chambers in the Temple." Ben explained.

"Then let's get it back." Ezra said optimistically.

"Can't." Kaaydin replied. Ezra frowned at this.

"Why not?" He asked irritably.

"My dad practically hates him." Ben said, pointing at Kaaydin.

"Thank you Ben for clarifying that." Kaaydin mumbled sarcastically. Seeing Ezra's confused expression he laughed slightly.

"You'll understand in a few years." He assured. Looking over at Ben he asked,

"Think we should get Jai to help us with this?"

"Nah. I don't want him to get on my dad's bad side." Ben responded. Kaaydin nodded in agreement. They were silent for a moment, each thinking of a way to get the stone when Kaaydin's laughter broke the silence.

"You're so short!" He exclaimed, looking at Ezra. Ben gave a short bark of laughter before slapping a hand across his mouth.

"I'm not short. You're just over-sized." Ezra grumbled, crossing his arms. Which was somewhat true. Ben stood about a head taller than him and Kaaydin was a few centimeters taller than him. Kaaydin great effort stopped laughing and cleared his throat.

"Sorry. It's just your future self is actually my height." He said, trying to keep a straight face.

"I seriously don't see how that ever happened." Ben remarked.

"He wears boots with extra heel." Kaaydin said, giggling. The two broke into wide grins and laughed.

"Can't believe we ever become friends." Ezra grumbled, rolling his eyes.

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