Stranger Things

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Ezra sat on the steps in front of the temple trying to process that he was in the future.

'Or maybe I'm going crazy.'   Ezra thought to himself. The red-headed boy, Ben, was standing next to him fidgeting with his lightsaber. Which Ezra found slightly unnerving since Ben was a few inches taller than him and much stronger. Behind them a few meters Luke, Leia and Corran were quietly discussing what was to be done with Ezra.

"Perhaps for his own good we should keep him here, just until we can sort things out." Corran suggested. But Luke was already shaking his head before he had finished.

"He wasn't lying though." Luke said. His sister raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"You can't seriously believe he is from the past?" Leia scoffed. She had a bad feeling about the dark blue haired boy and with the recent events that had happened to the Jedi Order she wasn't ready for another insane thing to happen.

"But he wasn't lying, Leia. I could sense it." Luke argued. Like his sister he wasn't really ready for another problem to solve, but he felt he needed to help the boy in anyway possible.

"It could be he has mental issues. If he believes he is from the past you won't be able to tell it's not true." Corran reasoned. Luke sighed heavily.

"I don't know. Stranger things have happened to us." He said, looking at the boy on the steps. Luke could sense his confusion and fear, but also a strong determination.

"Agreed. But let's not forget the last time we had crazy Jedi on our hands." Corran replied. Luke made a face and shifted his attention back to Corran and Leia.

"Situation is a bit different this time." Luke said. He thought for a moment before continuing.  "But yes we should keep him here until we can find his next of kin and find out what is wrong with him."

Leia and Corran nodded in agreement.

"I'll let Cigil know we're bringing him down." Leia said told her brother before departing. Cigil was a Calamari Jedi who had amazing skill as a healer and had become the go-to healer of the Jedi Order. Luke and Corran walked over to where Ben and Ezra were. Ezra jumped to his feet when he heard them coming and Ben clipped his lightsaber back to his belt.

"Ezra, we would like you to stay here at the temple until we can sort things out." Luke said politely. Ezra noted he wasn't being asked which meant they weren't planning on helping him exactly. He took a step back and rested his hand on the hilt of his lightsaber. Luke saw the movement and smiled wanly.

"Ezra, n- " Luke began.

"Look I'm not crazy and I'm not staying here." Ezra said hotly. Ben stepped forward.

"Hey, he can stay with Kaaydin a bit." He suggested to his father. Luke scoffed.

"Ben, you know how I feel about Marek and this isn't the time for this." Luke said with an edge in his voice. Ben frowned at his dad before walking quickly down the steps. Luke muttered angrily to himself as he watched his son leave. Ezra took a few paces down the steps himself while the two older Jedi were distracted before Corran put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Don't make this difficult." He said calmly. Ezra looked at Corran and Luke for a moment and swallowed hard.

"Fine." He spat. Despite his outer defiance Ezra was really scared and wanted desperately for this all to be a dream. Corran and Luke led him to the entrance of the Jedi Temple. Ezra couldn't help but gape at the enormous interior with Jedi of all ages and species filling every room. The walls were painted about every shade of brown and tan, excluding personal chambers and meditation rooms. Several of the Jedi they past going to the turbolift stared curiously at Ezra making him uncomfortable. As the turbolift descended to the lower levels of the temple Ezra stuck his hands in his pockets shifting nervously between the two Jedi. Feeling something smooth and cool in is pocket he pulled the object out. It was the river stone he had found back on Naboo. Studying the river stone curiously Ezra held it in the palm of his hand.

"What's that?" Luke asked, catching sight of the stone. Ezra quickly shoved it back into his pocket.

"Nothing." He replied quietly. Luke didn't say anything as they got off the turbolift. They led Ezra down a white corridor which made Ezra think of the inside of a Imperial 'Research' facility. In one of the many rooms at the end of the corridor was a tall, female Calamari. 

"Hello, I'm Master Cigil. You must be Ezra" She said, holding a webbed hand out to Ezra.

"Hi." Ezra said, shoving his hands further into his pockets.

"Mmm." Cigil hummed, letting her webbed hand fall to her side. "Will you wait right there for a moment." She gestured to a chair that was pushed up against a wall. It was more of a command than a question, so Ezra shuffled over to the chair. He didn't sit down though. A few minutes later  Corran left and a younger version of Leia appeared. As they talked quietly to each other Ezra got the sinking feeling he was going to be stuck there for awhile.

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