Chapter 3: Nikki's Past and A Surprised Visit From Nick Fury

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Shayne POV

Warning: May contain mentions of suicide

During Break, I went into the changing room and locked the door behind me. As soon as we were alone, Nikki flew out of my jacket pocket and met my gaze.

"Alright. I do owe you an explanation about why I never told you about my past. And why I've been sealed away for many years." She said.

"You don't have to tell me, Nikki. If you don't want to." I said.

The red eyes kwami shook her head and replied.

"I know. But, I have to. You remember when I told you that one of my holders went rogue?"

I nodded.

"Well, it's because she saw her fate. She was destined to lose someone close to her. Her lover. She tried to prevent their fate, but she ultimately failed. It drove her mad. She wanted to use the ladybug and black cat miraculous to bring them back." Nikki explained.

"But, doing so will destroy the whole world right?" I asked.

"She didn't care. So, she sided with the former holder of the moth miraculous and killed half of her teammates, including the holder of the cat miraculous." Nikki replied bitterly.

"Seriously? Does she have to go that far?" I replied.

"You have no idea. Anyway, the cat and bug duo managed to defeat them and relinquished the miraculous from them. Of course, I was too scared to be given to another holder. So, I was sealed away for decades. Never to be used again. Until now, of course." Nikki concluded.

As I took in Nikki's story, I felt a sense of dread inside me. Is this what Madame Web meant by my fate? If I died, then would Marinette use both the miraculous to bring me back? Would I do the same?

"Can you show me who your ex-holder is?" I asked.

Nikki nodded and showed me a vision of her former holder. A girl with brown hair, wearing a black and red bodysuit and a mask with red lenses. On her back were four red spider legs. 

Ruby Bishop

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Ruby Bishop. AKA SpyderBite June 18th -March 20th. Status: Deceased. Cause of Death: Suicide by Hanging.

"She killed herself?" I asked.

"Yeah. After being branded a criminal, hated by her city, disowned by her family and haunted by her dead lover, she snapped and took her own life. Her former teammates made a funeral for her a few months after death. It pained me to see this. She was a great hero and friend. To see her go against her morals is just heartbreaking." Nikki replied.

"Yeah. I can imagine." I said, thinking about Chat Noir.

 The vision faded. As I was about to leave, my spidey sense started to act up. I spun around and saw a tall bald man dressed in a black jacket, a grey top, black jeans and matching shoes. Covering his right eye is a black eye patch.

 Covering his right eye is a black eye patch

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"Nick Fury!?" I gasped.

"Hello again, Spider-X. It's been a while." He said in a stern voice.

Nick Fury is the head honcho of S.H.I.E.LD and the one who created The Avengers. He's also the guy who also prevented me from getting my head cleaved off by Taskmaster, who was hired by Kingpin to kill Spider-Man. He's also the one who suggested that I should train with The Avengers, mainly Natasha, Steve, Bucky Barnes and Tony. 

"You made quite the name for yourself. Fighting that rock monster, indirectly exposing Lila Rossi, even catching that train. Spider-Man would be proud of you, Kid." He said with a smirk.

I rubbed the back of my head with embarrassment. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s leader dropped the smirk and gave me a serious stare.

"But, enough about that. You're wondering why I'm here. Well, to be brief. I've received word that The Sinister Six has returned. Along with a few others like Venom." He said.

"Venom!? Great. As if seeing my middle school rival wasn't bad enough." I groaned.

"The Avengers are doing all they can to investigate the cause of their release. However, all we've managed to find out was an eyewitness claiming to see a girl dressed as a scorpion." Fury replied.

Sasori. Hawkmoth must've sent her to free the Sinister Six and Kingpin. I thought.

"I think I know who the scorpion girl is. Her name is Sasori. She's Hawkmoth's new ally. She has the ability to drain the powers of any miraculous holder, forcing them to revert to their civilian form. She's already taken Ladybug's powers and almost took mine." I explained.

"I see. I've already heard about this Hawkmoth person. Is he the one who brainwashed Ladybug into Lady Miss Fortune?" Fury asked.

I blushed at the thought of my kiss with Ladybug's evil alter ego and nodded.

"And that flying bug is the cause of your powers? The same as Hawkmoth?" He added.

"That's a kwami. And yes." I replied.

We heard chatting and footsteps coming from outside. Fury made his way to the window to make his escape.

"I'll be in touch and let you know about our next move. Also, Peter Parker said hello." He said and left.

I quickly slipped out of the changing room and made my way to my next class with Nikki hiding in my jacket. If what Fury said was true and that Venom and The Sinister 6 are back, then I'm going to need all the help I can get.  

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