I smiled. It was nice to hear that. If Emma had been there last night, maybe we had gotten drunk and stupid. That sounded even more fun than with Graham.

She had a boyfriend. She was in a monogamous, happy relationship and I didn't want to get drunk and stupid with her anyway. I wanted to be her friend.


Emma's P.O.V.

Ruby was pacing my living room. She seemed too excited to say anything. Killian and I were sitting on the couch, waiting for her to speak. I'd asked her how last night had been, but she'd wanted to tell me in person.

The rest of our friends would arrive in about ten minutes to hang out, but I still felt like Ruby wouldn't have said a word by then. She just didn't know where to start and I could feel Killian losing interest.

"So much has happened," she said. "So much."

I raised my eyebrows. Finally. She sat down on the chair across us and looked at me and Killian. "Regina Mills spent the entire evening with us," she said. I felt jealousy creeping up, but I pushed it away. I'd wanted to spend an evening with Regina again, but my night with Killian had been amazing, too.

"Regina Mills? That actress. She's in town?!" Killian asked and his eyes widened. He turned to me. "Did you know this?"

"I'd heard rumors," I lied. Killian put his had on my lap and smiled.

"How.. how did you manage to hang out with her? She must've been guarded by five people. Was she pretentious? Or really sweet? Tell us!"

Ruby laughed. "She's really sweet and so funny. We played Never have I Ever, and she's confessed some things, you don't want to know," Ruby said with a smile and my jealousy grew. "Apparently, she's once slept with a fan. Iconic, I love her for that. She's once used a fake ID, she once went skinny dipping at night. She's really cool. She's here in Storybrooke by herself."

It sounded like a fun night. I wished I'd been there and that made me feel really guilty, because Killian had planned a great evening for the two of us which I'd enjoyed a lot. I thought back of my night with Killian, the way his eyes had shone, the way he'd touched me gently, the way the food he'd made tasted in my mouth. He'd been afraid to cook for me when we'd first gotten a relationship, because he felt he wasn't good enough for me. I'd encouraged him, though, and now he wasn't afraid anymore. He was a decent cook.

"Oh, and Graham and she kissed!" Ruby exclaimed suddenly. I felt like her memory was coming back piece by piece. "It was hilarious. Graham and she were dancing, he took off his shirt and then they kissed."

At least with Graham I didn't have to worry it'd turn into anything serious.

And yet I still felt horrible.

"Way to go, Graham!" Killian said, excitedly. He looked at me and kissed my temple. I merely forced a smile, unable to say anything nice about it. Ruby could tell it bothered me, I could see that. Killian had no idea.

There was a knock on the door. Belle, Liam, Graham and Regina came walking into my apartment at the same time. How was Regina here? I hadn't texted her. I didn't mind, but someone must've invited her. Did the others have her number as well?

"Hi!" I greeted everyone and got off the couch. Ruby hugged everyone and so I followed her example to hug everyone. We always hugged, except I'd not once put my arms around Regina.

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