Chapter 29- PART 2

Start from the beginning

I threw a dagger aimed on Kane's chest, who deftly blocked it with one of his knives.

"STAY AWAY,"I screamed,"You have NO idea who you're dealing with."

Kane turned his head towards me, his blue eyes sparking with annoyance and pride. Lloyd managed to get up, discreetly moving himself away from Kane's advance.

"Oh", Kane said,"You have no idea who you're dealing with, Princess."

I locked eyes with Lloyd and we exchanged looks. He nodded and smirked.

Knowing what to do, I gritted my teeth, clenching the shaft of my dagger.

"Hey Captain!", Lloyd said,"Pro tip: Make sure to always be aware of your targets—Things could go downhill if you don't!" Lloyd smirked.

Kane turned, his eyes narrowed in confusion. I then took it as a chance to kick his knives away from his hands sending it flying. I threw my dagger and caught the two knives from the air, using my legs to swipe Kane off his feet. He grunted, falling face-first on the deck.

Lloyd then stepped in, clasping his hands together to form a large energy ball. But, as it started forming, it quickly faded, much to Lloyd's shock.

"Lloyd!", I shouted,"Now's your chance!"

"I know!", Lloyd clenched his teeth and groaned as he tried harder,"It's—I can't—My powers!" He managed to say.

His green power merely flickered and faded, and Lloyd looked at his hands helplessly, eyes wide. His previously glowing green eyes had faded—

My eyes widened, as an unsettled feeling bubbled my stomach.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm tightly, wrapping a strong arm on my neck, making me choke on air. Lloyd looked up from his hands, his dilated eyelids popped wider.

"Harumi!", he shouted, running forward but stopped as I saw a long sword being pressed underneath my chin. I gulped.

"Make one more move", I heard Kane say quietly as he held the sword tightly to my chin,"And it's her life, Green Ninja."

Lloyd's eyebrows pulled down as he frowned, his hands slightly outstretched in a placating manner.

"Kane...", Lloyd said in a calm and steady voice,"Put the sword down—she's already badly injured as it is." He looked at me, his eyes still not their usual green. My eyes squinted in concern.

"Oh I know", Kane said nonchalantly, as his grip around me tightened. I managed to let out a throaty cough, my head swirled in pain.

Lloyd looked back at me quickly,"Stop! She can't breathe!" He looked at me helplessly.

I felt a drop in my gut when Kane said,"Then, surrender—or she dies." His voice deadly calm.

The fight around us with the pirate crew and the ninja seemed to have stopped, because it was only silence, as everyone stared at us—wondering who would make the next move.

Suddenly, Lloyd's black orbed eyes flickered to glowing purple.I gasped. I heard the other ninja gasp in shock as well.

Kane clicked his tongue, only slightly loosening his grip on me,"Ah ah ah—you don't want to try that on me, Son of Garmadon."he chided.

Lloyd growled, his hands burst with purple energy. I heard his friends shout in protest.

"Lloyd, NO!", I managed to choke out, loud enough to be heard,"Don't! He's trying to manipulate yo—"

Kane's grip tightened, and I couldn't speak, but I kept my head steady as I stared at his enraged eyes.

Lloyd's purple eyes locked into mine, and he faltered. I didn't look away, and continued to stare helplessly at him.

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