#13 - Penalty

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Jimin POV

Here he is with Jungkook in living room in their sweatsuit, waiting for Yoongi to comes out for their gym session. Jimin was still in daze since it was early morning. He regretted playing the drinking game. The probability of him winning has always been low. He can only blame his hype self whenever he drinks. Thankfully, this time the penalty is not that bad - just him and Yoongi joining Jungkook's usual morning workout. Honestly, he foresees him and Yoongi just sitting at the corner of the gym, watching Jungkook's doing the workout rather than joining him.

It has been 20 minutes, and Yoongi is still not out yet. Is he still asleep? Jimin had no energy to move. So he asked Jungkook to wake Yoongi instead.

Jungkook POV

Jungkook finds it weird to just walk-in to Yoongi's room. So he called Yoongi's mobile phone multiple times, but he didn't pick up. He wanted to just shout for Yoongi, but then again its still early morning and the rest are still sleeping. With Jimin being in a daze, he had no choice but to slowly walk to Yoongi's room. 

He was contemplating if he should knock first or just open the door. He heard some conversation and it angered him knowing that his hyungs are already awake. Just when he was holding the door knob, he heard sobs at the other side. That is definitely Seokjin. But why is he crying? He leans towards the door, trying to eavesdrop and all he could hear was someone hating Seokjin?

This was the first time he heard Seokjin crying profusely. Who hurt his hyung this much? Was it him? It can't be, he saw the movie premiere and the award show, it doesn't seems to affect hyung. He can even make his dad jokes during both interviews. Was it Ian? He recall yesterday before they part, Seokjin was talking to Ian. 

Jungkook was feeling immense anger and frustration, that he runs out of the dorm and went to his car and drove off.

Jimin POV

He was stunned seeing Jungkook storming out from the dorm. He looks back but Yoongi was not around. So he starts running and kept shouting Jungkook's name to wait for him, but he was ignored. Jungkook was too fast and Jimin couldn't catch up. He was left panting by the side, as he sees Jungkook's car leaving the carpark on full speed. 

"Is he on a period or something? You know what, I'm going to just count this as my workout penalty." 

So Jimin took out his phone, took a selfie and send it to their group-chat.

"proof workout selfie"

"proof workout selfie"

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