#10 - Confidence

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Seokjin: "You're really a celebrity?"

Ian: "Sorry, you had to find out this way. Again I want to apologize, I think I drove to the wrong side. We need to get off at the red carpet."

Seokjin: "Huh? Red carpet?"

Ian: "Do you have like difficulty in understanding at one go? Yes, red carpet. I will just tell the emcee you're my new manager."

Seokjin: "But I'm only wearing t-shirt and jeans."

Ian: "Well, you still looks good. Hmmm.. let me see..."

Seokjin: "I look good?"

Ian: "Really? I think you need to go for check-up. Put this on, quick!"

Seokjin: "You got perfume? I think I stink."

Ian: "You really asking for a lot of things."

Seokjin: "Thanks! You rock!!!"

Ian: "Thankfully, you're cute."

Seokjin: "I know right." 

That validation really meant so much to Seokjin after hours of feeling insecure. Seokjin's mood was uplifted by this stranger whom he met for awhile. He feels a bit more confident and seeing the crowds makes him even more excited. So here, he is with this celebrity walking out from the car and heading towards the red carpet.


This kid is really funny. This must be his first time attending red carpet. I mean, looking at his reaction, giving flying kiss here and there to everyone. He must be living the celebrity dream. Well, he could really pass off like a celebrity. Should I introduce him as a new idol instead?

Ian: "Jinnie. Its our turn to the podium. If you're unsure let me do the talking k."

Seokjin: "Jinnie? Its ok, I can talk too, you know."

Ian: "At the rate you're repeating. I think you should just keep quiet."

Emcee: "Everyone, lets welcome Seokjin and Ian to the podium!"

Ian (whispered): "Did you tell them your name earlier on?"

Seokjin: "I'm a celebrity too you know."

Ian: "Wait.. what??"

Seokjin: "I think you need to go for check-up too. ;)"

Emcee: "So tell us. Is there any upcoming collab?"

Seokjin: "I can't tell much. But its in the works."

Emcee: "Well here you have it everyone! Collab is coming soon!!! Oh look! Seokjin your members are here!"

Tae: "HYUNG!!! Wait for us!!!"

Seokjin: "Ya! Walk faster! We're waiting for you guys!"

Ian: "Who are they again?"

Seokjin (whispered): "Ian... Do you know BTS?"

Ian: "I feel like I'm being trolled. But why one of the member is glaring at me?"

Seokjin: "Which one?"

Ian: "The muscular one."

Seokjin (mumbled): "Oh... that's our maknae, Jungkook."

Ian: "Ah... Should I be scared of him?"

Seokjin: "Nah... I doubt he cares about me..."

Jungkook POV

There's a lot of things in his mind. Yet he can't put words into it. Like why would he be bothered seeing Seokjin with Ian. So what if Seokjin keeps something from him. He shouldn't care. He should be happy knowing Seokjin finds someone to hangout with. But why Ian? They're like poles apart. Do they share similar hobby? 

He kept drinking throughout the show. He should be happy when the presenter announced their group, but he got pissed off when Ian would always give Seokjin a congratulatory hug for each award. He got so irritated seeing Seokjin happily cheering for Ian when he performed.

Yoongi: "Stop staring at them."

JK: "Them? Who?"

Yoongi: "You know, who I'm talking about."

JK: "Why would I care about them."

Yoongi: "I wonder too. Anyway there's Mia with Jake."

JK: "So?"

Yoongi: "How come it didn't bother you? I thought you like Mia for so long?"

JK: "She's already in relationship. Why would I care?"

Yoongi: "Well, Seokjin already found someone to hangout with. So its good right?"

JK: "Of course its good. Finally freedom."

Yoongi: "Look at the mirror when you said that JK."

JK: "Hyung, you have something against me is it?"

Yoongi: "Nah... I'm just entertaining you, cause you look bored without your buddy."

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