#39 - Mistake

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Jungkook POV

Its been awhile since he went out in public outside of group schedule. He put on his leather jacket, cologne and ride his way to their usual vvip club. The blaring sound of EDM as he sauntered in to the club. Its Friday night, so it is expected for this amount of crowd. He went straight to the private section to reunite with his 97s friends, who are by then a bit tipsy from their drinks. As he rode his bike here, he restraint himself from drinking as he needs to remain sober to ride back home.

Yugyeom: "JK-ah!! For a moment I thought you wouldn't turn up!"

JK: "I messaged you though"

Jaehyun: "Why? Seokjin no longer have time for you?"

JK: "Its Seokjin Hyung for you?"

Jaehyun: "Awww... Hyung is not here..."

Eun Woo: "Jaehyun I think you drink enough!"

Jackson: "Look who we have here! JK is back!"

JK: "Arghh... Jackson why you're always around?"

Jackson: "Why wouldn't I? Yugyeom is here no?"

Yugyeom (looks at JK): "Sorry JK, I can't say no?"

Jackson: "Anyway JK, now that Seokjin with Ian, I will never doubt you anymore."

Eun Woo: "Jackson, why don't you go out and dance?"

Jackson: "Oh look JK! Mia is here too! I heard now she's back to single."

Jungkook looked at where Jackson pointed at. There Mia, with her friends sitting at the corner, but it didn't really affect him much. Before Jackson spout nonsense any further, Jungkook left their place and went straight to the floor. 

He closed his eyes as he sways to the music trying to distract himself from thinking about Seokjin. After awhile, he felt a body pressed against him. He looks down and sees Mia upclose, and instead of pushing away, he hold Mia's waist as she continues to grinds on him. He got too caught up with lust and atmosphere, that when Mia kissed him, he responded. It angered him that while kissing Mia, he was thinking of Seokjin and Ian together, so he continues their make-out session in public. Everyone around the floor was cheering for the 'couple'.   

Seokjin POV

Seokjin who has been stuck in the recording studio is finally done with the song. The number of caffeine he took was unhealthy, but at least it kept him awake. Tomorrow, is finally the day they would release the schedule for their collab song. Since today he is finally done and no more late night schedules, he thought of celebrating with Jungkook. 

No matter how many times he tried to call, it went straight to voice message. Is Jungkook asleep already or is he still sulking over the news? He knew of Jungkook's passcode, so when he entered, he was disappointed to find that Jungkook was not at home. Too tired from the long day, and furthermore he needs to charge his phone that just died, he decided to just crash in at Jungkook's room instead.

Namjoon POV

Its 4am, foor goodness sake. Who is it??? 

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