#11 - Dinner

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Tae: "Ian-hyung, you want to join us for dinner?"

JK: "Hyung, its our group dinner. He might feel awkward."

Namjoon: "Ah, you guys are slow. I've already invited him."

Hobi: "As expected...Our leader, always ahead of us. Lets go guys!"

Yoongi: "JK-ah, don't frown."

JK: "Hyung, what's with you today?"

Yoongi: "I'm happy cause we won. That's why JK-ah, don't frown ok."  Oh he loves the look of the annoyed maknae. Is it too much or should he push further? He chose the latter. "Ian-hyung, you want to join our car ride to the BBQ place?" 

JK: "Who is going to drive his car then?"

Seokjin: "Yoongi-ah, I shall accompany Ian ok. Meet you guys there. Where are we going again?"

JK: "I know the place. I'll follow you guys then."

Ian: "Sure. Jinnie you can sit in front."

JK: "I need to sit in front to navigate the way. Hyung you sit behind."

The whole car ride was just awkward silence. Jungkook, really uphold his role as the navigator. He only speaks up when he needs to notify Ian to make a turn. Ian tried to break the ice, by telling Jungkook he can on the radio or spotify. Jungkook did just that and kept on changing the channel every 1-2 seconds, which makes Seokjin so dizzy.

Seokjin: "Jungkook-ah, can you please just choose the music. Hyung is dizzy right now."

JK: "I don't feel like hearing to music right now. Turn left, then in 5 minutes, turn right and we reached the place already."

Ian: "Definitely looking forward to the dinner."

Yoongi took pleasure in seeing Jungkook's reaction from exiting the car. From far, he shouted, "JK-ah, come quick hyung reserve a seat for you next to me! Ian and Seokjin hyung, your table is over there."

Jungkook POV

Seriously what's with Yoongi hyung today. Why he kept picking on me. Did I do anything wrong to him? His thought was disrupted when he sees Seokjin trying to put aside the part he dislike. Naturally he voice out to his hyung,"Oh hyung, if you don't want that part, you can give it to me."

Yoongi: "Yah, you can take mine. I don't like this part also."

Ian: "How can you not like it? The fatty side is the most flavourful."

Seokjin (unknowingly): "Hahas. You sounded like Jungkook."  After realizing his comment, Seokjin didn't dare to look at Jungkook and just look down and continue grilling the meat.

Jimin: "Ian-hyung, you can ignore them. They're like old couple."

Yoongi: "Jimin-ah, stop talking and eat more!"

Tae: "Hyung, what about me?"

Hobi: "Take this meat."

Tae: "Hobi-hyung, you're all the I've got."

Namjoon: "Ian-hyung, this is us. Please don't get annoyed too soon."

Ian: "Hahas... Its ok, I've already handled Jinnie's quirk all day."

Jimin: "Woah, Hyung has a pet name! Can I call you Jinnie-hyung."

Tae: "Yah, Jimin-ah, JK has been calling hyung that since like forever."

Jungkook: "Can we like just focus on eating!"

Seokjin: "Sorry..."

So the banter continues till late night and since all of them drank, they called a designated driver. And before Ian part their ways, he asked Seokjin to save his number on his mobile phone. Seokjin, the ever cute drunk, took the phone, save his number and then on the selfie mode to take his picture. He even send the picture to his own mobile number.

The next day, after Seokjin has finally charged his phone. He received multiple messages and one photo from unknown number. He ignored the messages and clicked the picture, and sees his drunk selfie with Jungkook at the back staring intensely at the camera. 

Seokjin: "Did I do something wrong again?"

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