Chapter 47 - New Powers & New Allies

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Word Count: 5462

Cian grabbed the handles of Celie's wheelchair and began pushing her into the house after she'd smacked Eden's hands away when he'd tried to pick her up again. Of course, he hovered over her as though her wheelchair might come to life and attack her.

"Baby, you need to calm down," Celie linked Eden as she looked up at him. His rage and pent-up need for violence were scaring her. If Eden lost his shit, no one here was strong enough to stop him. Lorelai, Ara, and Sagan together might be able to restrain him a little, but Celie doubted they could do it for long.

Eden glanced down at her stubbornly for a moment, but her worried and scared look calmed him a bit. He did not want to scare his mate. He opened the door so her brother could wheel her into the rec room, followed by Lorelai, Ara, Sagan, and Luna Penny.

"Explain," Eden said, turning to Ian.

"I have no explanation but to say they wanted to kill the triton," Ian said, slowly shaking his head. "They were always the most aggressive of my crew, but they never discussed or made plans in my presence or the presence of my first mate. We would have put a stop to it had we known."

"How is it that your own men were planning attacks, and you had no idea?" Eden snapped. "Are you so lazy a leader you do not control your men? Are you so weak you do not inspire their loyalty?"

Ian's jaw ticked as he clenched his teeth. He didn't like this kind of criticism, but he wasn't about to go head-to-head with Eden. He also knew Eden had every right to be upset and to ask these questions. If Ian's mate had been the one who was shot and nearly killed by someone else's men, he'd be saying these same things.

"They were new to my crew," Ian said. "I never served with them."

"The only trustworthy sirens are ones you've served with?" Eden asked.

"No, all sirens should be trustworthy. I do not understand...." Ian tried again.

"I want to speak to all your men," Eden sneered. "Get them down here now! If I get one wrong answer, if I find that any of you has lied to me, I will rip you apart and feed your limbs to the triton!"

Ian backed up as fast as he could and fumbled to get his phone out of his pocket to call his men. On the edge of the kitchen door, Ivy watched with tears streaming down her face, sure her mate was about to die right in front of her.

"Eden, baby, please calm down," Celie pleaded, pulling his arm. "You're getting too worked up. Getting mad won't get the answers faster."

"My love, please let me handle this," Eden turned, his voice soft again as he reached and smoothed a lock of hair back from her face. "Trust me."

"I do trust you," Celie put her hand over his. "More than anything....but there's something....wrong. I don't know what it is, but I feel it."

"He's lying to me?" Eden growled.

"I don't know what it is," Celie pressed her fingertips to her breastbone and shook her head in confusion. "I'm blocked or something. He's blocked. I can't feel emotion from him at all. It's like he's numb or something."

"Then he is most certainly lying," Eden said between clenched teeth. "I will get the truth from him if I have to skin him alive to get it."

"NO! Eden! NO," Celie said, pulling harder on his arm. She closed her eyes briefly, reaching for calm and understanding, and let her emotion flood into him. For a moment, she felt him resist, but then he opened and let her soothe his temper. Eden closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The incredible, calm loving energy of his mate flowed through him, cooling the rage inside him as nothing else could. "Listen to me! Something's wrong."

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