Chapter 6 - Closure

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Word Count: 4966

Harper and Matt were quiet as they walked hand and hand back up the path to the house, neither were quite sure what to make of the meeting they'd just had with Angus. One thing was clear, the secret was out, maybe not completely out, but it was certainly out. Pictures of tritons could soon be all over the news if Angus couldn't be trusted, if that happened, all bets were off.

"What did you think of him?" Harper asked as they entered through the back patio doors. "Do you think we can trust him?"

"Yeah, I do," Matt said.

"That fast?" Harper turned with a little smile.

"He smelled of the sea, not like he'd been out swimming, but like he belonged there," Matt said. "There's more to him than meets the eye, and we should certainly tread carefully with him, but I don't think he's going to blow this wide open. At least, not yet."

"I thought he smelled like whiskey and gun oil," Harper laughed. "We should definitely have Celie meet him, she'll sense any...ill intent, I think."

"They're on the way back now, aren't they?" Matt asked. "We should discuss with them and then see if we need to call an emergency meeting. We still have to get on that plane tonight and go to the witch's den or whatever, and I'm not sure we have time to get everyone on the phone. Plus, I can't imagine that being a quick call."

"They should be back any second, she called right before we met his boat, she said they were nearing Miami, but you know how that is," Harper rolled her eyes with a grimace. "It can take twenty minutes or four hours to get here depending on traffic."

"Hey Cel, where you at?" Harper asked through the link.

"Nearly to the bridge, fifteen minutes out," Celie answered. "What's wrong?"

"Tell you when you get here," Harper responded.

"They'll be here in a few minutes," Harper told Matt and then stared over at the bar. "What I wouldn't give for a cocktail right now."

"Not for another nine months, baby," Matt said, hugging her from behind, his hands on her impossibly flat abs. Harper had done a quick ultrasound on her stomach at work Monday morning, and they had discovered she was only a few weeks pregnant; most likely having conceived within a day or two of the marking. She'd been surprised that Celie noticed so fast, it had only been a few days, but there were a number of reasons for it, but since this would be the first hybrid baby, no way of knowing what was going to happen.

Just then they heard the ding of the gate alert and knew they honeymoon party had gotten home.

Harper went out and met them at the door, giving Celie a hug and admiring her mating marks.

"I'm so happy for you Cel!" Harper said, squeezing her friend tight. "Everything is finally as it should be."

"I know!" Celie laughed. "I didn't think it would ever happen!"

"I knew it would," Eden said from behind.

"Oh, whatever, Mr. Confidence," Celie laughed, and playfully smacked him on the arm.

The door opened again, and Porter and the others came in carrying their bags from the trip.

"Ok, so we just walked in the door, I only have enough time to do one load of laundry before we leave again," Celie sighed, shaking her head.

"Will you throw mine in with yours?" Porter asked absently, only to be slapped on the arm by Lorelai.

"You don't get to mooch off Cel anymore, you could pull that shit before you had a mate, now you can't," Lorelai said.

Myths & Mates - Sequel to Myths & RejectionsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora