7. °Night with you°

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Y/n and Jimin walked by the pathway beside the road in silence. It wasn't an awkward one but a comfortable one.

The cold breeze was hitting the little strands of hair of Y/n which lead to her being annoyed by it.

But later she felt a hand removing them.

She looked at Jimin a light blush appeared on her cheeks and ears.

"You are beautiful" the words left his mouth in a daze. He looked at her.

"What the fuck!" Y/n said in a whisper, even though knowing she was already tied up with him for the words she said right now.

"Hell I shouldn't have came with you" he said while scrunching his eyebrows leading Y/n to frown a bit.

You two were bickering the whole time till you reached your home. You showed him your tounge mockingly.

He ran towards you but you quickly closed the door while putting her hands on her chest. "You're dead Y/n" She murmured.


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