Final Chapter: Aftermath! Connections with Our Hearts, Always!

Start from the beginning

Sonic: Hey Y/n, you know what's up with that light show?

Y/n: *smile* Yeah. That means everything is fine here. You know what... I'd say Chip made the right choice, for calling me here, to help.

Sonic and Y/n's Summons smile at Y/n's response. Unexpectedly, Chip's necklace glows green and forms a portal after Dark Gaia was sealed. Y/n recognized that same portal before he got sucked in.

Sonic: Y/n, is that the same portal you got dragged into?

Y/n: Yeah. It's time for us to go back home.

Pikachu: *smile* Pika, Pi! Pikachu!

Riolu: *smiles* Rio! Rio!

Latios: *smile* Tios!

Latias: *smile* Tias!

Y/n's Summons went up to Sonic as they were hugging him, Sonic smiled and accepted. Y/n smiled and his summons went back inside Y/n.

Y/n: Hey Sonic, is it alright if we come back to visit?

Sonic: You kidding, sure you can! I want to meet those Fairy Tail guys, it will be awesome to see them in action! Besides, this is not a goodbye. If it is, we'll forget about our connection. Just saying, see you later.

Sonic reaches his hand for a handshake and smiles. Y/n went to Sonic, smiled, and shook Sonic's hands. Y/n started to run towards the portal while looking back at Sonic and giving him a thumbs-up.

 Y/n started to run towards the portal while looking back at Sonic and giving him a thumbs-up

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Y/n: *smiles* I hope we'll meet again soon!

Sonic: *smirk* You bet! It's gonna be awesome!

Y/n has gone through the portal as it's starting to vanish. Sonic puts Chip's necklace on his wrist and sees the sunrise.

Sonic: *smirk* 'I wonder what those guys in Fairy Tail look like.'

Sonic has started to run through the road.

(Ending songs and credits starts at 1:04)

Tails fly down with his Tornado-2 and see Sonic running on the ground.

Tails: Hey Sonic!

Sonic looked to see Tails waving at him while flying in his Tornado-2 and Sonic's two fingers saluted and smiled.

Sonic: Hey Tails!

Tails: I received word from the professor that Amy is throwing a party in Shamar! Race you there!

Sonic: *smirk* Hehe you're on!

Sonic and Tails started to race back to Shamar.

Meanwhile at the ocean of skies...

Y/n finally begins to travel back to Earthland where his loved ones, friends, and family are waiting for his safe return.

Y/n: *smile* 'I felt so much better and a lot stronger than before. Because... I am... no longer alone. I can feel many connections with my friends, my lovers, and my family. They're with me... within my heart and soul. I'll keep fighting like I always have, to protect what matters to me. Thank you, Sonic, Chip, and everyone. I'll never forget the times we had. Kuroka, Asia, Chisato, Ur, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Everyone, I'm sorry I've been gone for a while but I'm on my way back, right now!

(At 2:04, this story ends with a title card appearing)

Sonic and Third Sparda's World Adventure!

(While the ending credits are still rolling at 2:14, imagine the pictures appear with Y/n and his summons along with it, having a great time together.)

(At 11:30 while the credits are still rolling and play 'The World Adventure' song, begin with a message.)

Hello great readers out there, I wanted to say thank you for your support. I enjoyed writing a crossover fanfiction after the 'Son of Mavis' by Bryce459 , give him support. Also, shout out to those authors that I previously mentioned, inspire me by reading their stories and I enjoyed it. And I enjoyed the gameplay and the music of Sonic Unleashed, it was nostalgic.

Also, a disclaimer; all of the pictures, gifs, music, characters, etc, go to the rightful owners. I DON'T own Sega. This story is inspired by ernsts22.

Again, thank you for the experience of Y/n's adventures with Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends. Like a vote, if you enjoy it. Lastly, I will see you awesome readers back at my main story, the 'Third Sparda of Fairy Tail'.

Until then... adios.

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