Chapter One- Deliver Us

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The sun was shining. High above Equestria. But it was cruel, just like the lives of those below. The hot sun of Equestria beat down on the back of ponies. Thousands of them, earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns, hanging their heads and straining at the massive weights they were pulling. The lowest of all heads belonged to the alicorns. They had lost their place in the world with all the rest of their kinfolk, and were beaten if they did not obey. Just like the others. Little did they know what a terrible order was being carried out. Until they heard the screams. In the tiny hut village the pony-slaves lived in, hundreds of soldiers swarmed. The ponies there, mostly too old, too young, or too sick to work, had no idea what was happening until it was too late. The guards stopped at every house. They would go inside, and if the home had no foals, they would leave. But if the home had a newborn....they would kill it. Screaming broke out in the village, along with wails of grief. But the screams could also serve as warning. Faust, a white alicorn with a red mane, had just delivered her third foal; a filly. The wailing let her know what was going on. And she wasn't going to let it come to her family. She gathered her second foal, a filly she had named Celestia, along with the newborn, carefully placed in a waterproof basket. Faust gently sang to her foal, a lullaby in the ancient language of her species. So the small party was able to run through the alley streets unharmed. Down to the river that connected Equestria's few cities. As Celestia kept watch, Faust waded in with the basket. With tears in her eyes, Faust gently placed the lid on her filly's basket. She sent up a prayer for her safety. Then she sent it adrift. The basket drifted out into the wild river. Past large ships, nearly hitting it. Past crocodiles, splashing around for a bite. Then to the palace of Equestria itself. Celestia had been flying alongside, And now she hid in the bushes and looked in. There was the Princess Chrysalis! And holding the filly! She looked at her lovingly. Celestia knew the filly was safe. But she sang her own prayer. "Sister, you're safe now, and safe now you'll stay, for I have a prayer just for you. Grow, little sister, come back someday. Come and deliver us, too." As Celestia went home, the Princess told her own young daughter to look at her find. "Come Cadance. We must go tell the King about your new sister....Luna."
The cry of the ponies echoed still in the air. But their deliverance was on its way.

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