{#2} - [Gunning For Your Heart]

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Despite Marcus' joke, unfortunately Y/N does have to spend the evening unpacking his bags from their last mission, staring despondently at the pile of dirty clothes that stack up on his bedroom floor, demanding to be washed.

He realizes when Akali must've stolen his hoodie, a realization he comes upon when vague memories of packing the jacket come to mind but it's nowhere to be seen in his luggage.

The hoodie Akali had been wearing earlier definitely had been cleaned, and a funny feeling settles in Y/N's stomach as he considers his clothes smelling like her. Or maybe the hoodie still smells like him, even as Akali wears the hoodie home tonight.

Y/N sighs, dismissing the thoughts before he spends the entire evening wondering if Akali thinks his clothes smell bad. Instead he focuses on ignoring his laundry, opting to do a giant batch of laundry once he gets back from this mission.

He dumps the last of what remains in his bag, a stray sock and toothbrush falling out, and begins packing the bare minimum. Part of his wardrobe will be provided by work, including the suit he'll need for the more formal events they'll be attending.

His phone rings, and Y/N kicks his laundry pile to the side as he picks up his cell, taking a seat on his bed. He doesn't need to check the caller ID; Akali changed the ringtone to some sappy romance song he doesn't actually know the name of.

At this point Y/N is so used to his partner calling him at strange hours of the night that rather than questioning the phone call, he quietly hums along to the music before picking up.

"Oh, Y/N, you're awake!"

Y/N glances at the clock; it's almost eleven at night. Akali sounds like she's on her third cup of coffee, maybe on her fourth.

"I could've been sleeping," Y/N grumbles, knowing very well that he can't think off the top of his head the last time he's been in bed before midnight. "What do you want?"

Akali clicks her tongue. "That's the problem with you, always trying to get straight to the point." She sighs, and Y/N can hear her swish the remaining coffee in her cup like she's debating whether to get another refill. "Maybe I called because I wanted to tell you how lovely you looked today."

"Akali, you've never said anything like that. Like, ever."

Another click of the tongue. "You've always been too smart for me to outfool, Y/N," she says. "Anyway, I'm still at the office and I've got a lead on where Deimos and Phobos were staying before they wound up dead. Some hotel not too far from where the bodies were found, and I figured we should check it out before we leave. Might find something that gives us a better idea of what we're walking into."

Y/N looks down at his pajamas. "I really hope you don't mean right now."

"No, I still have to go home and pack," Akali says, the sigh that follows suggesting that she's just as reluctant to pack as Y/N. "I just wanted to tell you to set your alarm early for tomorrow, it's like an hour drive, but we also need to swing by and check and see what Forensics has for us tomorrow as well."

"Couldn't you have just texted me that?" Y/N grumbles, but he's already setting an alarm for the morning. It's a reluctant alarm, the one he sets three others for in five minute intervals afterwards, because he'll definitely sleep through at least one of them.

"I accidentally stapled my thumb earlier and now it hurts too much to type," She explains. If he was anyone but Y/N, he'd make fun of her, but since he is Y/N and has stapled his own fingers on accident multiple times, and makes the closest thing to a sympathetic grunt.

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