setting up the party <3

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3rd person pov:

***Lust/angel was on his way to visit the other's, it was a special party today! It was the anniversary of when they formed the star sanses, he was so excited that he had a skip in his step once he finally got to the base and he grabbed his key's to unlock the door, once he unlocked it he went inside and put the freshly made cookies on the counter in the kitchen, blue/swap looked at him suprised***

Blue/swap: "your here early?"

Lust/angel: "well I wanted to help with decorating, plus the others and not good at decor, like, at all."

Blue/swap: "good point, well tell ink we need more eggs and milk"

Lust/angel: "sure I will once I find him"

Blue/swap: "thx angel!"

Lust/angel: "oh and before I forget, who is coming to the party this year?"

Blue/swap: "uhh us the stars, the moon's and I also think some of the neutrals will be here to!"

Lust/angel: "Oh? Will THEY be ok? You know how they get with big crowds..."

Blue/swap: "They should be ok, I've set up one of the rooms for them incase there's to many people, and we do have spare rooms if they need to be alone."

Lust/angel: "that's good"

***Lust/angel said as he walked into the living room, dream and classic were in there decorating, tho, it was mainly dream doing all the work, lust/angel then put down the new decorations he grabbed on the way there, putting them infront of Classic***

Lust/angel: "If your going to help with the decor then you can put these up while I go ask ink to make me new ones."

Classic: *sigh* "on it MoThEr"

Lust/angel: "whatever, now hurry up!"

Dream: "I agree with lust, help me out here classic! Everyone will be here soon!"

Classic: "Ok ok" *yawn*

Lust/angel: "then hurry up, because we still need to decorate the outside and chill out room."

Classic + dream: "On it, we'll get this part of the house done as quickly as we can"

Lust/angel: "good, see you soon"

***Lust/angel the walked out into the backyard where he saw ink trying to decide what colour to make the decor,
Lust/angel laughed a little bit at inks struggle to decide on a colour scheme, Ink then turned around seeing lust/angel, ink looked like he was about to cry his eyes out, so lust/angel being lust/angel walked over to him***

Lust/angel: "just use the rainbow, or all the colours, just make sure there near something that matches it's shade/colour, just like you like it!"

Ink: "Oh... that does make sense on why I thought it wasn't enough colour, thank you angel!"

Lust/angel: "no problem ink, also I'll be upstairs decorating the chill out room k?"

Ink: "kk! Also maybe theme it your style? Blue's making the food his style,
Dream and classic are making the decor In the living room their style and I'm making the outside my style!"

Lust/angel: "hmm, I guess you're right, I suppose I will make the decor my style!"

Ink: "here, I'll make you some decor!"

Lust/angel: "thx love! I'll take it up once I can!"

***Lust/angel went back inside and upstairs into the chill out room, He placed down the decor ink made him and grabbed the lights, he started putting them up and turning them onto the colour pink once he had finished setting up the lights he grabbed the pillows and set them up replacing the one's that were already there, he put the old ones in a different box and put it away he then grabbed the streamers and put them up***

***Once he was happy with the way they were placed he started getting the blankets and setting them up and replacing the old one's, he put away the old blankets with the old pillows and decided that the chill out room looked good enough he left the room and went downstairs into the living room***

Lust/angel: "how's it going in here?- holy love of creation! How?!-"

Classic: "hm? Oh hi angel! We finished the room awhile ago, dream has gone to help ink set up outside"

Lust/angel: "H-How?!- how did you guys manage to make this place look so good?!"

Classic: "meh, I don't know really, I guess dream just has good taste? He was the one that picked out the stuff"

Lust/angel: "wow... I should ask dream for help next time-"

Blue/swap: "Hey guys! I finished making the food! Have you guy's finished decorating yet?- HOLY MOTHER OF CREATION?!- CLASSIC DREAM HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO MAKE THIS LOOK SO GOOD?!"

Lust/angel: "I don't know how they did either, Classic said dream was the one who picked the stuff out"

Classic: "Yep, He picked all the stuff out, I only helped place it."

Blue/swap: "How?!- i- I'm asking dream to help me decorate next time-"

Lust/angel: "THATS WHAT I SAID- nevermind I'm going to go check on dream and ink."

***Lust/angel got up and went outside the backyard where ink and dream were trying to decide where the table should go, lust/angel stood there confused on what to say, he just laughed instead, jumpscaring them both***


Lust/angel: "i- Pffft- HAHAHA, YOU TWO ARE THE BEST-"

Drink: "OMA I give up-... STOP COPYING ME!-"

Lust/angel: "T-this is priceless! Hahaha!"

Dream: "whatever, angel! Where should the table go? I think it should go on the right-"

Ink: "and I think it should go on the left, it looks better there."

Dream: "for the last time ink it doesn't! The right looks better!"

Ink: "No it doesn't!"

Dream: "Yes it does!"

Lust/angel: "Ok guys! Enough. Why not just put it in the middle?"

Drink: "... Good point-"

Lust/angel: "you guys are such idiots.."

Drink: "We're not idiots!"

Ink: "If anything, dreams the idiot!, he was the one trapped in stone for 500 HUNDRED YEARS."

Dream: "Hey! Rude! Don't bring up trauma ink!"

Ink: "Oh shit sorry dream I didn't mean to say it like that-"

Dream: *sigh* "it's ok ink, now let's move this table into the middle already?"

Ink: "right on it!"

Lust/angel: "now that you two have stopped bickering, I'll help blue grab the food, make sure no bugs can get near the food ok."

Drink: "we will..."

***Lust/angel went inside as ink and dream moved the table, he told classic to start texting everyone that it's alright to start arriving, he went into the kitchen and saw blue finishing of the final decorations for the food, he walked up to him***

Lust/angel: "you nearly done blue?"

Blue/swap: "nearly, just doing some finishing touches, other then that yeah I'm done!"

Lust/angel: "that's good, anyway I'll help you get the food outside, I'll meet you out there!"

Blue/swap: "see you there! And thanks for the help!"

Lust/angel: "no problem swap!"

***Lust/angel grapped some of the plates and then used his magic to grab some of the other ones, he used his magic to teleport himself and the food outside and set it on the table, blue/swap then teleported after him, using his magic to place the food on the table aswell, once it was all set up, all they had to do was wait for everyone to arrive***

1261 words

Sans au shit postOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora