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Kristen pov

As soon as I heard the announcement I stood up and started walking towards Gale's class. I'm thankful to Danny to have saved me from the boring Russian lecture, I don't even know why I took Russian as one of my subjects when I'm fluent in it. I accept that I might have been drunk while choosing the subjects, or maybe I wanted to have a no stress subject.

As I was immersed in my thoughts, I walked straight into a wall. I looked around to check where I have reached. Dayumm. I'm at the end of the corridor. I have already passed by Gale's class. I jog back and open his class' door. "May I have Gaultier Laurent, he has been called by the principal." I asked.
"I heard the announcement too dear, but he's sleeping and no one dares to wake him up, you know how he is." Mrs Jones said with a small smile. She's a total sweetheart, I'm telling you.

I smiled towards her and asked,"May I wake him up, ma'am?"
"Will you be able to handle him?"
"Of course ma'am."
"Then... sure."

I walked to his seat in the back of the class and knocked on his table. No response. I looked around everyone including Mrs Jones were looking at me in a stare which said he won't wake up like that. I know he won't it's just so that the teacher thinks I tried before using extreme measures. I knocked again. No response. I then shook him. Grunt. This fucking child, I'll kill him. I then slapped the back of his head. No response. Gaultier Laurent, you piece of shit. My patience has run out. I grabbed his hair got his face up slapped him hard and then shouted in his ear,"WAKE UP! YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT OR ELSE I'LL BREAK YOUR NOSE." I turned around to see a bunch of scared, happy, surprised and dgaf faces. Mrs Jones was eyeing me to look behind, as I heard a loud bang and Gale's deep voice booming around the class. "Who dared think he could live after waking me up while hitting me? Do you have a death wish?" I scoffed,"Do you have a death wish, Gaultier Laurent? Do you wanna die from my pretty hands?" He flinched. He should. "Were you the one who did all this Kris?" He said pointing at his swollen cheek an ruffled hair."Yes, Mr Gaultier Laurent."

Gaultier pov

I don't know what I did but I know for sure I fucked up. Kris never calls others by their full name unless they messed up something. I looked around I saw everyone in the class including Ms Jones having either shocked or pitiful eyes while staring at us. "Gaultier, pack your bags and go to the principal's office with Kristen. You are called by the principal."
Ms Jones said, maybe to break the tense surrounding.

Kristen started walking out. Really? She must be on her period. I had nothing to pack, I swung my bag to my back and jogged behind Kristen. "What did you do?" Kris asked.
I also don't should at least tell me why you're so grumpy. I thought.

"You want to know?"

Ah! I thought that I thought.
This damn mouth.
"8:30 in the morning, we're called to the principal's office on top of that when I reach your class to get you you're asleep. If that was not enough I had to stand there watched by everyone in the class waking a dipshit for 10 minutes. So now tell me what did you do to be called to the principal's office in the morning and I was included in it..?"

Well I totally forgot she's impatient. Must have gotten angry when I didn't wake up despite her trying for long. Can't blame me. "Maybe Abby did something?" I said "because I don't remember doing should be scolding her...''

"Abby won't do anything leaving me and even if she did there must be a reason..."

"If I do something I also have reason..."

"You're a dipshit, she isn't." She said staring at me.

"This is absolute favoritism" I muttered.

"So what?" I hate her.

We walked in silence and reached the reception.

Ms Rubica smiled at us, she is a really sweet person unlike other arrogant receptionists. I gave a small smile to her and head in the office.
Let's get it done with.

Aabha pov

As the door creaked open I turned my chair and stared at the two figures walking in, side by side. Gale had a sheepish smile on his face with wrinkled forehead, maybe trying to understand what was going on.

I gave him a look which meant 'I am unaware too.'

I looked towards Kris, damn, someone's dead body might be found tonight. She looked annoyed and angry. Gale must have checked her patience. She is a really impatient girl.
I'm proud to say that in this trio I have the most patience until and unless you take it too far.

Well this totally meant all three of us were unaware of the situation which had us all in the office.

The three of us looked at our dearest principal together. I raised one of my eyebrows with a small smile, I heard Gale asking," I didn't do anything in the past 2 days except sleeping in the class and punching a guy." Kris growled. "I had a reason, he was a bully." He explained frantically. Kris is dangerous.

Daniel let out a loud laugh,"I-It's noth-ing like th-that." He said forcing the words out with his laughter.

"Are you sure it's not because of something Gale did?" She asked, coldly.
Danny shook his head.

He slowly calmed down and started straightening his the wrinkles appeared on his well ironed clothes because of him laughing so hard.

He slowly opened one of his drawers and took out a letter, and slid it our way.

Sorry for the long break. Too much going on, from holi to exams and other issues.

Love ya'll.
Thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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