"Tell me, it can't be that bad" she said grinning.

"Well it's actually two things I wanted to ask you. First....well you know Niall and Liz are getting married in less than two months(she nodded)...and you're the maid of honor obviously because Liz asked you to...I'm one of the best men....so I was wondering if you wanted to be my date for the wedding?" I asked and looked at her.

She started chuckling and I frowned.

"Well Harry, thanks for the suspense but I wasn't thinking of going with anyone BUT you" she said smiling widely and I let out a breath.

"Okay....so I want you to be my date for Liam and Danielle's wedding too" I stated this time not a question, didn't need her laughing at me again.

"What?!" she shrieked.

"They're getting married ...when!?" she exclaimed excited.

"They had thought of getting married with Liz and Niall but then Danielle said it was Liz's day to shine, and she didn't need to share the spotlight, so they're getting married after those two crazy kids get back from their honeymoon.

So a couple of weeks after....Louis said not to be too hopeful, because Liz has made Niall wait a long time to be like together, you know what I mean, so he says Niall won't want to let her come back for a while. He says if she comes back in one piece it'll be a miracle" I confessed and she burst out laughing, I loved her laugh so much it was kind of addictive!

"Okay, okay, let me breathe" she said between giggles.

"Oh Louis, how boring life would be without him" she said with a joyful sigh.

"Alright, I'm okay. What's the second thing you wanted to ask?" she questioned and I took a deep breathe.

"I- I love you" I said and I saw her cheeks turning pink.

"I love you too" she whispered.

"and I...I'm just going to come right out and say it. Svetlana you're about to be 18 soon so, what I'm trying to say is....I want you to come live with me to England" I said and closed my eyes, not wanting to see her reaction.

There was a moment of silence and then I felt her hands take my face on each side so I opened my eyes to watch her nodding and I just stood there shocked.

"Yes?" I asked in a hushed voice and she nodded again.

I wasn't able to control myself I leaned in and kissed her before picking her up and twirling her in circles.

I was going to take the love of my life to live with me, I was the happiest guy on this earth...even if the lads thought differently....

Part 2

Zayn's POV

I was waiting on top of the clock tower where Aisah and me had our first date.

The day was beautiful, the sun was shining brightly and the clouds where puffy and prominent.

I heard someone coming and I turned around and sighted Ais walking towards me in a gorgeous black cocktail dress.

"You look beautiful" I said while placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"I don't even know why you want me to go to this thing with you" she pouted.

"First: Don't call a première a 'thing', second, get used to it, and third, I want you to go because I want to introduce my girlfriend to the whole world" I said with a smile spreading on my face at her look of shock and confusion.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"Don't call a première a thing" I answered 'innocently'.

"No, the other thing" she said.

"Get used to it" I replied trying to hide a smile.

"No, no, the thing after that" she stated exasperated by me.

"That I want everyone to know you're my girlfriend" I said grinning.

"I'm your...girlfriend...since when?" she asked in a hushed voice.

"Since now" I answered while taking her hands.

"Aisah Matanog, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked kneeling down in front of her and she put a hand on her mouth, not believing this was actually happening.

"This is the part where you answer" I said teasingly.

"Yes, yes!" she shrieked and I chuckled in joy, while I stood up and pulled her close to kiss her.

"Thanks babe....you're everything I need...sorry it took me so long to realize it....I love you" I confessed and she smiled while her eyes filled with what I'm guessing where happy tears as she hugged me.

"I love you too" she whispered in our embrace.

I pulled back a bit and took a jewellery out of my pocket and she looked at me confused.

I opened it revealing a small silver heart necklace which I securely locked at the back of her soft neck.

"This heart represents the beginning of our love...may it never be lost, forgotten or harmed" I said and hugged her, knowing this girl was going to be the reason of days of happiness without end....



P.S. Thanks for reading lovelies :)

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