a familiar face

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Hey author here I know change is hard but i wanted to try to make writing easier for myself im going to try out using ("") for who ever pov is talking for example (goji's pov)
"6am already jeez time flew....yada yada yada" just like that but if others are talking i'll just do what i usually do anyways i hope this doesn't disturb you guys that now back to the story.

Goji's pov)
*beeep beeep beeep beep..Click*

"Well I guess I should get up and start the day, but to get noise i'll turn on the news"
*you turn on the tv and head towards the bathroom as your about to close the door you hear the news reporter say something about a vortex in the sky, as soon as you heard that you ran and sat on the bed and listened intentively*

News reporter ( rp *for short*)

Rp:Last night a resident caught a video claiming to be a giant vortex in the sky with what appears to be giant blue eyes and a elegent yet haunting cry, now reporting on the scene Al. Al if you may.

Al:thank you Lisa im here with the otter who captured this unusual event on tape. So mr.olie what was your reaction to this unusual event?

Mr.olie: well i was doing my midnight run when i heard a weird whooooosh in the clouds. And when i looked up i was staring a vortex or in better words a portal into another world, i quickly grabbed my camera and started to film thats when i saw two giant blue eyes coming from the otherside of the portal it was insane.

Al:well there you have it...was it a one in a lifetime event or are we dealing with extradimensional travelers? Anyways back to you lisa.

Lisa:thank you Al. Its truly insane indeed, we'll be right back after these messages but as we play out we'll replay the video

*the video starts to play again but this time you start hearing a melody* (mosuurrra~mosuurrra)

*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK you hear someone say (Room service ) * you walk towards the door and open it and standing there is a snow leopard wearing a hotel uniform*


Room service: Hi im here to restock your towels and things.

"Oh ok let me just get my I.D and i'll be out of your way"

*you start looking around for your I.D you look on the bed stand, on the kitchen counter finally you check under the bed..and you find it but the gap between bed and floor is to small for your arm to fit so you carefully lift the entire bed and grab your I.D you carefully put the bed down without damaging anything but as you stand back your face to face with a shocked room service employee*

Room service: HOW DID YOU JUST? Huuuuuuuuuh?

(Insert mr.bean magic meme here)

"Yeah im just strong I hope I didn't disturb anyone sleeping by doing that"

Room service: yeah now I've seen everything....if its alright me asking what species are you?

"Gojirasaurus is my species aka me since im the only one I know of just been added as a new species"

Room service: well it was nice speaking with you..uhhh

"Call me goji"

Room service :oh it was nice speaking to you mr.goji
*she leave the room in a shock*


*Goji walks out of hotel as he looks around until he spots a interesting sign that reads "national garbage cleanup tournament. Grand prize $11,000 amd a free button up shirt for picking up most trash. Goji grabs a map with directions and starts heading that way*

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