Chapter 13

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(AAAAAAAA IM SO SO SO SORRY ABOUT HOW LONG THIS ONE TOOK! I was struggling a bit with writers block and important tests coming up in school, but you don't really need to know that- anyways, enjoy!)

Marcy lay in bed, staring at the ceiling on her back. It was well past midnight, but she couldn't sleep. She had tried, she really had, but no matter how hard she tried, her body would not lose consciousness. Rolling back over onto her other side, her closed her eyes, hoping, willing herself to lose consciousness. To open her eyes with the morning light shining through the curtains, welcoming, warm, morning light, the sign of a new day.

But when she opened her eyes, she was met with darkness. She groaned, rolling onto her back. "Maybe a different sleeping position wil do it," She told herself for what seemed like the hundredth time. She stared at the ceiling, waiting for her eyelids to become heavy, for her body to relax, her mind to drift off to sleep, one hopefully free of nightmares.

But that did not happen.

All the tossing and turning was making her sick.

She sighed, pushing herself up and off of the bed. Feeling around in the darkness, she quietly opened the door. She slowly made her way down the fall and out to the kitchen, grabbing her cigarette pack and her lighter from the counter, and her jacket from a chair. She pulled her shoes on with a sigh, and hesitated before grabbing her phone and airpods, just in case.

Even though she knew it would wake her up more and would make it harder to go back to sleep, she ventured out onto the porch, resting her elbows on the railing as she took a cigarette out of her pack before putting it back in her pocket as she lit it.

Marcy took a deep breath before taking a drag from her cigarette, sighing as she felt the smoke swirl around in her lungs before releasing it. She flicked the ash off the end before freezing. She had done that earlier too, even when Sasha had told her not to.

Just another thing she did wrong.

She groaned, slapping a hand on her forehead and letting it slide all the way down her face. Of course, she would break the one rule Sasha told her.

"Marcy," The core warned, "We already told you to stop, and get some sleep for frog's sake."

Marcy didn't even hesitate with her answer, a simple, "No,"


"What can you do to me? Most of the time, these conversations end up with me hurting you."

"And yourself."

"Same thing." Marcy thought back, taking another drag from her cigarette as she responded.

The core was silent for a while before it spoke again, "Can we make a deal, Marcy?"

"No way."

"Oh c'mon, just a little deal..."

"Not in a million years,"

"You won't even hear us out? You don't want to know what it is?"

"That is correct."

There was the sound of several voices groaning, "You're insufferable."


Marcy tapped her foot against the wood-planked floor, sighing as she smoked her cigarette, resisting the urge to flick the ask of the end. She looked up towards the dark sky, seeing the moon glow brightly against the stars.

She drummed her fingers along the beat to her foot on the wooden railing of the balcony, creating a sort of rhythm as the moon was reflected in her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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