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Hey guys!

Sorry, I don't like writing things that aren't chapters, but here we are :P

I will be taking a short break from writing this story, (maybe 2 days to 2 weeks) to get a start on two new stories I am writing. They are both Amphibia AU's if you would like to read them. This message will come about probably a few hours to a day until the first chapters come out, and if you are interested I hope to see you there.

I am so, so so so SO grateful for all the kind and funny comments, messages, and support you all have given me. They truly make me smile, and they are the only reason I decided to actually continue the story and dive deeper into the plot. We are almost at 1K reads and I can not express how grateful I am, although I try!

I'll see you all later!


Facade (Amphibia Future AU)Where stories live. Discover now