Chapter 12

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As Marcy made her next call, Anne walked out to see Sasha making breakfast.

"It's now or never..." Anne thought.

"Sasha-" Anne started, "About what Marcy said out there, about, how the core knew she loved us, do you think she meant it in a friendly way or...?" She would start with something simple, see Sasha's feelings first.

Sasha sighed, taking out a bowl. "Well, it could go either way. She may have meant it in a...actual way. She literally said we meant more to her than her well-being."

Anne's face flushed, "But- that could be friendly, right?"

"Anne," Sasha sighed, "How would you feel if- our relationship expanded to three people?"

Anne froze, "You mean, you, me, and Marcy- all together?"

Sasha's face flushed, "W-well, if you're okay with it."


"I really like Marcy." Anne blurted.

"Oh, thank frog you said it first." Sasha grinned.

Anne chuckled, "I wouldn't love you any less if we were all together."

Sasha nodded, a lovesick smile on her face, "I love you, Anne."

"I love you too, Sasha."

The two shared a quick kiss before Anne nervously smiled, "Sooo, is this the right time to tell you I just kissed Marcy 2 minutes ago?"

Sasha's jaw dropped, "Boonchuy! You did not!"

"It was an accident! She tripped and I caught her and AAAAAAAAAAAAA-" Anne buried her cherry face in Sasha's neck, who chuckled.

"Dang Boonchuy, didn't realize you were that forward. Here, I'll go talk to her now, you continue this."

"Continue what!? You didn't even make anything!"

"Yeah, well, you cook better than I do." Sasha vanished down the hallway, leaving Anne there, confused and flattered at the same time.

Sasha knocked on the guest room door, hearing a muffled, "Come in."

She opened the door to see Marcy laying face-first on her bed, her arms wrapped over her head.

"Marce, are you okay?"

"Mmph, just the core."

"Hmm" Sasha closed the door behind her, "Anything I can do for you, Mars?"

Marcy huffed, "Cover the mirror...please? It makes it go away, at least for now."

Sasha grabbed a blanket, tossing it over the mirror in a way it would stay, before she sat down next to Marcy on her bed, slightly rubbing her back.

Marcy took a deep breath, which Sasha felt as the woman's back rose and fell.


"What? No, Marcy, I don't hate you. I and Anne already talked about it."

Marcy slightly shifted her position.

"A-and uh- we were kinda wondering if you would- if you would like to be our girlfriend."

Marcy froze.


"Y-you mean- you, me, and Anne? A-all together?"

Sasha nodded before realizing Marcy couldn't see that. "Yes."


Sasha slightly began to panic. "I- mean if y-you don't want-"

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