Chapter Eleven: Information About Ezra's Family,

Start from the beginning

Ezra smiles, liking that idea! Hera expressed her concern before turning to Kanan, unsure if that is a good idea!

Ezra: I'm in!

Hera: Should you really proceed with the Empire angry at Ezra already?

Zeb and Kanan rolled their eyes, they proceed with the Empire bothering them all the time!

Zeb: Relax!

Kanan: Yeah! We do it all the time, don't we, Kid?

Ezra: Yep!

Hera: Well, be careful, Ezra... (Sighs) I still can't believe we let you teach!

Kanan rolls his eyes while Zeb simply smiles a little, knowing that it was great to have someone else who was like a little sibling to him! Later that day after Lunch, Zeb was flying the TIE fighter on their way back from the market!

Zeb: I've missed ya, buddy. The Ferocious-Slayer flies again!

Ezra: Ferocious-Slayer? That is way better than the Phoenixchaser! Whoo! Why would Kanan and Hera and Kanan want to miss thi-i-is?!

Sabine just holds a barf bag just in case she got ship sick, which was right now! She sighs, before looking at both her older and younger team members!

Sabine: I think I may have some idea!

Ezra: Oh well, their loss!

Both: Whoo!!!!

Back on the Ghost, Hera, Chopper, and Kanan were playing holo chess. Hera was still a little bit worried about Zeb teaching Ezra how to fly instead of her!

Hera: Kanan, are you sure that it's a good idea for Zeb to teach Ezra how to fly ships? The kid did just finished making a new radio for the Ghost and the Phantom!

Kanan: Hera, relax... I'm sure that Sabine and the boys are fine!

After dropping the hidden TIE fighter at a hidden spot near where the Ghost was, Ezra and Zeb had put a radio in Ezra's new radio of the Phantom and were singing to it!

To stand out,
Above the crowd!
Even I gotta,
Shout out loud,
Til mine is,
The only face that you'll see!
I gotta stand out 
Til you notice me!

Zeb smiles as he ruffles Ezra's hair at his new invention!

Zeb: Nailed it! (Sees that Ezra is eye-balling the controls.) Well, what are you waiting for? You're pilot material, buddy. Take the stick!

Ezra: Seriously?! My adopted brother wouldn't even let me touch his Jedi Holocron!

Zeb: You're my Crew Member, you can do anything!

Ezra smiled at the suggestion of flying, glad that he is able to be who he wants to be for once in his life!

Ezra: You are the best room mate!

As Ezra flies instead of Zeb, Sabine smiles a little bit at the two of them learning to get along! She looks down at Ezra's yellow backpack and sees a yellow journal, before picking it up.

Zeb: Wow kid, you certainly know how to pilot a ship. How come you were so interested in training as a Pilot and a Jedi?

Ezra smiles a little bit, before speaking up!

Ezra: My Dad taught me at a very young age to not think on the negative thoughts when you're flying or training, and to just focus on the positive! 

Sabine sits down with the journal in her hands, shocked that Ezra could learn so much even though he didn't know his real Father.

Sabine: Yeah, wow... Being raised by a former Jedi who left his duty of being a Peacekeeper for your adoptive mother and your siblings must have been a real treat!

Ezra: Yeah... Both he and my Mother are both good people, and they taught me a lot like my adopted sister has!

Sabine sees a Phoenix Symbol from Hera's mysterious friend, Fulcrum on the back of Ezra's yellow journal!

Sabine: Wait, why does your yellow journal have Fulcrum's Phoenix Symbol on the back of it, Ezra?

Ezra: Oh! Because my Adopted parents used to receive packages from Fulcrum all the time when I was little. I don't know who Fulcrum is though, all I know is that they told me to keep our identity of being rebel cells a secret from the Empire... Even though my brother disliked it!

Zeb starts to understand why Ezra didn't want to know R2's mysterious master earlier!

Zeb: Oh, so that's how you knew about the Protocol!

Ezra: Now you've got it! Besides, I never knew my real family... So, I got nothing to compare them to anyway!

Sabine sits back down, curious why Ezra didn't want to have this conversation with Hera.

Sabine: So... Why did you wanna have this conversation with us rather than with Hera?

Zeb: Yeah, I was actually going to ask that too, kid!

Ezra looks back at his hidden family locket before looking for a good spot to land, that's safe from The Empire!

Ezra: Let's talk about this somewhere a little bit more privately on the ground!

After landing the TIE on the ground, Ezra finally tells them why he wanted only the two of them to come along.

Ezra: I was just... Looking for information about my real family...

Both Sabine and Zeb look a bit shocked at Ezra's mission! 

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