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I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things.
We can do the tango just for two.
I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings.
Be your Valentino just for you...

I heard through my headphones on full blast I walked at a steady pace I didn't want to do this at all but "that's why the doctor recommends" in his word's "It'll help with the stress and depression" it's just dumb in my opinion When am I going to find my "lover boy" I whined I drifted into an alternative world thinking about how it would be if I actually had someone to love someone I could call mine I know very well that I'm not a very lovable or a loving person I had dated like three girls but all relationships ended bad I had given up at this point I just wish- my thoughts were quickly interrupted I had bumped into someone I felt a hot liquid run over my body expected It was coffee I looked down and I stood corrected I stopped in my tracks and looked down it's not like it hurt or anything I just got this shirt I heard apologizes very soon I'm so so so sorry fuck umm I'm sorry. Nah, it's cool. Are you sure I'm still really sorry like so sorry im new here and I was Tryna look for- There's no need to explain I cut him off it's no big deal it's just a shirt it's black it won't get stained that bad. Thank goodness are you ok that coffee was kinda hot. Yeah, I'm perfectly fine I normally would have gotten really angry and defensive as this happened to me a lot, I didn't feel like being angry today I already wanted to kill my doctor and therapist they got on my nerves, so you said you're new around here? Yeah, I just moved here it seems pretty nice, and stuff just, umm, not very easy to navigate.

Yeah, I get it. It can be busy here, so where you Tryna go, I could help you get there? Oh no, I wouldn't want to disturb you. I've already spilled coffee on you! No, it's ok. I don't mind. The coffee isn't a big deal. Are you sure? I promise now let's go! I took his hand and ran across the street I heard a yelp slip out his mouth, but I kept on running until we reached my car there was a lady standing by my car basically checking out my car. she had long black hair, her skin similar to mine. Hey ma'am, do you need any help or anything. I could tell she got a fright she quickly ran off. What the hell... Uhm, I don't know who that was or what happened here anyway. I hop in. I looked for my keys and unlocked the car.

So, what's your name? Oh, umm, my name is Kayden. Yours? Names Ruben, I know it's a weird name you don't have to tell me. No, i think it's pretty cool, actually. Thank you he said with a big smile. It's not really common where I'm from. Oh, really, where are you from? Germany.

well that's fucking creepy I thought a little context my father and mother were from Germany they had met on a boat that my father's dad used to drive he was a sailor labelled best sailor in town my grandfather a very confident man he taught me a lot about life and my father especially my mother he told me how he met her mother aka my grandmother she owned a bakery and he had come along it after a long month at sea they had become best friend's my grandmother would stop by his house and give him some bread and my mother and father would have a playdate my mother took over once she passed I didn't really know my mother I was told that she passed when I was about two years old I was absolutely forbidden to talk about her my father obviously wasn't the best father or husband my grandfather had told me a week before he deid that my father was abusive he'd constantly hit my mom he killed her well he thought he killed her my grandmother had found out on his attempt to kill my mom she got angry and they fought my father couldn't handle her telling anyone else so he shot her straight in the head and heart 4 times each her death was made out to be she died from being mugged in an alleyway no one knew this what hurt me was that my mother could be anywhere around to Germany or she's moved to a different country I worry about her everyday my mother was the sweetest person her friends and family loved her but it seemed that they distanced themselves away from me because of my father I noticed after a while that they knew they were silenced by my father he had threatened them into being quiet my grandfather counted on me to tell the truth make sure my father got the pain he brought to my mother his last words before i felt his hand soften from his hard grip on my hand "Find you're mother she's already looking for you" I remembered that forever i was about fourteen when that happened I don't have any hope to find her anymore i just wish-

Hello, Earth to Kayden! Ahh, I screamed sorry how long have I been zoned out? I think it's like six minutes or so. Shit I'm sorry... No, it's fine after I said I'm from Germany you went into a different world. It's just that my parents are from Germany, so I got a little shocked. Ohhh makes sense, but that's so cool. We had chats here and there. I actually live in that estate so you could take my number and you can call me anytime I'm always awake. Always awake? Yep, I don't really sleep. I- I'm always asleep. It's going to take a while to get there. Ah, it's no problem as long as I'm not getting kidnapped. Oh no, you're perfectly fine and in good hands. It went absolutely silent, no words exchanged cars, honking and speeding, and it got late. I checked the time, and it was about 19:07. i never really got to look at Ruben at all.

I stared at him for a while examining every single feature, he looked perfect his black cardigan decorated with red strawberries his red plump lips i wanted to see his eyes he was fast asleep his hair was and looked so soft skin pale and soft a Bruse layed on his arm it was greenish and purple I thought to myself what could've happened his face glistened in the sun the freckle's on his face showed up better in the sun his blushing cheeks the smile that spread across his face he was obviously having a good dream i was so drawn to his face no him in general I don't know what it was all i could really say anything Hes pretty as fuck What the frack what did I just say..


I shook him awake he took a while to wake up he was basically dead. Ruben Rubenn, wake up! Good morning, Mr. Ruben. How long have I been out? An hour and forty minutes. Damn thanks though I'll be sure to call you once I've finished unpacking all my stuff. Maybe if you're not sleeping? Cool, no problem, Cya! I was really happy to maybe have a friend I couldn't get him off my mind I hadn't had someone to talk to in a while I sit in my room all by myself my cat had died a few months ago so I was really lonely now. I sat at my desk, fully thinking through my day. Who the hell was that by my car? I questioned myself. I got a sudden call from a random number i quickly answered. Hello? Hey, it's me, Ruben



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