"Okay, if you insist." Silence befalls us.

"Where do you work?"

"Lenka Solutions."

"Never heard of it."

"That's okay. How long have you been working for Bill?"

"Uhm, a few years now, it was supposed to be for a few months but you can never know how things will go."

"What did you want to do?"

"I wanted to be an artist, I barely have the energy for it."

"Can I have a look?" she nods before getting out of the chair. We head into the room next to her bedroom. She has turned it into an art studio with a tarp on the floor and canvases all around.

Her painting style seems surrealist. She has painted animals, people, places and objects, it all looks terrifying yet beautiful.

"So how much is this one?" I point to the piece depicting a clock fading in a hand, I guess meaning that time runs out the more you focus on it.

"I do not really have a price range for them."

"Is it up for sale?"


"I would like to buy it."

"Oh wow, Uhm, I can have it packaged for you by morning."

"That is okay, I am going to fetch it at the end of the week and pay for it as well." she chuckles, probably not thinking I will keep my word but apart from actually liking the art, I have a new artist to showcase in my gallery.

She is Nandi Jola, she is twenty-four and she graduated from the University of Johannesburg, three years ago.

She tells me all about her childhood, her parents and aspirations and before long, she is asleep. When she is fully asleep, I pick her up and take her to her bedroom before tucking her in.

As I turn to leave, she grabs my hand "Stay with me please." I sign before getting on the other side of the queen-sized bed.

It takes me some time to fall asleep, I do not like sleeping anywhere that is not my house but I have tricks that help me sleep faster, breathing in through my mouth, holding my breath for four seconds and then breathing out of my nose, a few tries and I notice sleep covering me.


The sounds of birds chirping, have me bursting my eyes open and she is sleeping on my arm, hers is around my torso.

She snuggles into me more and I let her. She needs this and maybe I do too.

After some time my phone vibrates and I know it is Eric asking if I am on my way to the office.

I make my way to her bathroom and begin the process of getting ready for work. She is still asleep when I am done, so I find a piece of paper and take a pen out of my bag to write her a note.

On the way to the office, Lindiwe calls me.

"Hey, baby."

"I tried going to your house yesterday but you weren't there... Where were you, Ms. Lenka?"

"Hectic night, come to my office with some wine and we can get to talking."

"It must have been some night, okay, let me get ready. Harald is working and he needs to go back soon."

"Are you going with him again?"

"I have not told him about the kid situation so I want to tell him before he leaves."

"Lindi," I reprimand

"Thats the only time, I will have the courage to tell him."

"Fine." she hangs up and I keep driving.

She only gets to my office three hours later. She comes with an entire picnic basket. She loves going all the way and I am happy to have her as a friend.

"Okay, what's the news!" she takes a sip of her wine.

"So I had a business meeting at Escape last night and afterwards, I saw this girl being followed by these three dodgy guys so I'm like, no, no no.

Shot one of them and they run away. So I offered to take the girl home and she said yes and I drove her home but she did not want to be alone, so I'm like, I'll stay with you."

"Okay, girl."

"Nothing happened. We spoke until she fell asleep and I carried her to her room and tucked her in."

"Such a lady." I giggle at that.

"But she woke up as I was trying to leave and asked me to stay..."

"So what did you do?"

"I stayed, Mmata!"

"Okay and."

"And nothing. I don't have her number, just her name and I am not going to look her up."

"What is the point then?"

"I liked waking up to find someone else in my arms."

"I wish I could stab Natasha."


"I'm sorry. I wish I could stab that hoe."

"That's better."

"It will get better, I promise. Until then let's drink and dance." she connects her phone to my speaker and we begin dancing to the song.

Please share your opinions, vote and share🥺
Absolutely in love with Lindiwe.
Till Next week

Hers in Distress [GXG] ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon