"Hey" he said as he walked towards me and hugged me, and I returned the embrace.

"Change of plans, we're going out" he whispered in my ear and took my hand to lead me away.

Part 2

Zayn's POV

"Where are you taking me?" she asked curiously.

"Just a couple of blocks away, to a park. I want to spend time with you, without the guys" I answered and she smiled, satisfied with my response.

No reason to make things awkward by telling her Liz was staying at the house.

While at the park we just sat on the grass an started talking about our lives, families, and decisions. I learned she's Muslim even if she doesn't wear the hat; which I thought was pretty cool.

After an hour my phone starts ringing and I pick up.

"Sup Mate, could you buy some stuff at the grocery store on your way back?" asked Louis, straight to the point and then I heard a small argument before Louis added something, "Oh if you could buy salsa for lasagna, like now because Liam is going to need it soon, that would be awesome".

"Alright, I'll go to the store now" I replied and hung up.

"Seems we have to go" I told her and she nodded.

At the grocery store I started picking random stuff from the shelves and putting it on the cart, Aisah looked at me like I was crazy but she was smiling so I guess I wasn't being that much of a freak.

Suddenly I heard a male voice from behind calling Aisah's name and she turned around.

"Robert!" she yells and opens her arms out wide when the guys comes to hug her.

He embraced her and picked her up in the process, spinning her around, then put her down.

"How's life beautiful?" he asked and she smiled widely.

"I'm great, how about you?" they started talking in a VERY friendly matter, not even acknowledging my existence.... I could feel my blood boiling and my mouth hanging open so I closed it.

I moved towards Aisah and put my arm around her waist and introduced myself, looking at the intruder with a fake smile.

I saw a small frown on his forehead but he replaced it quickly.

"Hey, I'm Robert".

"Cool" I said, pulling Ais even closer and she looked up at me with a confused expression.

"So" I said when an uncomfortable silence grew too long.

"I didn't know Ais had a boyfriend" the stranger said and closed his mouth shut as if he didn't mean to say that.

"That's because I..." she started saying but I cut her off.

"Well now you know" I said with a smirk and I could feel Aisah looking at me in disbelief and surprise.


After leaving the store....

"What the hell was that?" asked Aisah stopping me on my tracks.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"That whole scene...telling him you're my boyfriend and such" she asked a little flushed, annoyed.

"Well, I THOUGHT we were dating, even if we are not boyfriend/girlfriend yet, that's the direction we're going right? so what's the big deal?" I said and by the look in her face I knew I had said the wrong thing.

"The big deal is, you can't tell friends of MINE stuff that aren't even true....why did you really do it?" she asked frowning with her hands folded in a stubborn stance.

"You didn't even introduce me, so I decided to do it myself to see if that would stop you two from flirting like I wasn't even there" I snapped back.

"I was so NOT flirting with him! Where on earth did you....wait a minute....you're jealous?" she asked surprised and I laughed.

"Oh please, me jealous? Try like in a million years" I answered and started walking again.

"Zayn Malik you are jealous!" she said and I could hear a smile on her voice and I shook my head in frustration.

"Am not" I stated.

"Are too" she responded catching up to me.

After a couple of more minutes I had to accept that I was just to make her stop talking about it, but she wouldn't let it go.

"I can't believe you didn't like Robert, he is such a sweetheart" she said suddenly and I turned to face her and grabbed her face in my hands.

"Stop talking about that idiot" I said and crashed my mouth on hers...

It's Still Complicated ☾ z.m. [unedited]Where stories live. Discover now