illyasveil : WHAT IS THIS FILTH!?

jaune : that my dear child is called ninjas of love

rin : why would someone create something like this smut !?

jaune : erotic litriture actually

kiritsugu : how would you know ?

jaune : cause me and my sister made them

everybodies jaw's then dropped not expecting jaune to be the one to create something like that

medusa : well i must say that your quite descriptive

sakura didn't say anything due to her blush but she just nodded her while cu and EMIYA  was laughing at their master's red faces their masters then turned to them and yelled at them


bazett : CU SHUT UP DAMN IT !!!

cu : sorry master couldn't help it with the way you guys reacted to it

EMIYA : for once i have to agree with lancer on this one the expression on your faces was amusing

This made their masters blush and chase them around the house while medea then came up to jaune while whispering into his ears

medea : hey jaune do you perhaps have another copy

jaune whispering back told her

jaune : yeah i got another one here

medea : well i kinda want to you know

medea the gestured towards kuzuki and jaune finally understood what she ment and gave her another copy from his pocket when medea whispered a thank you jaune returned i by saying your welcome shirou then cleard his throat and it brought back everyone's attention

shirou : anyway putting aside blakes questionable taste for now

blake : HEY!!

shirou : so what do you think since the way any of us look at it moms idea fits more better than anything we've got but then again it's  the only thing we've got

jaune then thought about for a while but before he could make any descision he turned to amber and blake

amber : it's up to you jaune i'm ok with whatever you pick

blake : i'm alright with it since it could help me blend in with the crowd

jaune then turned to shirou and his company

jaune : well ok we agree since that is the only option we've got

irisveil then clapped her hands together and smiled

irisveil : great then we can head there tommorrow and sign you guys up

jaune : since we'll be staying here we might as well help out

jaune then turned to his servants and spoke

jaune : ok guys here how this is gonna go i want gil to start creating his workshop and set up some runes to make sure to alert us when ever there is someone that's not surpose to be comes i also want some trap and illusion runes around the area to either catch or incapcitate the enemy

gil : very well master i'll make sure that any one that comes here knows the penalty for tresspasing on this terrortary

gil then walked away  to begin working on the bounded field as well as turning the surrounding area into uruk meanwhile jaune turned to his other two servants and spoke

jaune : okita i want you to scout the area of fuyuki and mark any and all advantages that we can use when we're in certain spots in the city

okita : yes master

rin : archer you go with her as back up

sakura : you go as well rider

medusa/EMIYA : yes master

with that okita , EMIYA and medusa jumped on the roof and headed towards fuyuki city to map out the area for jaune

jaune : you big guy are going to stay with me at all times in case something happens ok lancelot

lancelot didn't say anything just nodded at his master and waited for his masters command meanwhile jaune then turned to blake and amber and said

jaune : meanwhile we should propable train up just in case something happens

blake : you make a good point we're new here and we don't know the area this well so we might as well train with each other to not get rusty

amber : ok tne training it is so are we going to do this

jaune then truned to shirou and the others

jaune : sorry tobother you guys but i hope you don't mind helping us train do you

shirou : no i don't mind do you guys

artoria : no i don't besides it's going to be a new training with people wjo have abilities that we haven't seen before

rin : yeah and we can also help them with some magecraft as well

medea : maybe we can also make them some mystic codes to help them in battle

everyone then came into an agreement to help jaune and his friends

shirou : sure we'd love to help you guys

jaune and his friends smiled and felt like this was going to be some adventure for them

jaune : well then let's get started shall we

Jaune : the beginning of a heroNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ