A Nameless Song: Behind The Song

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So first time I'm doing something like this, but I thought this would be interesting and stuff, this is just supposed to just talk about things that could've happened in these my personal thoughts while writing them and stuff like that, anyways let's get started:

The Name:

This story could've been called so many things as I had written the first chapter but didn't release it because I couldn't figure out what to name the actual story and I almost went with one, but thank god I didn't because it wasn't very good and was pretty bland, I think it was originally called Forgetfulness and was called that as it was going to follow my original idea for the plot of the story which would've ended the same but the way we got to that point would've been completely different, and I almost really did release the story with that as it's name.

I ended up changing it as I was listening to music at the time and youtube randomly decided to play one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite games of all time Dark Souls, and just hearing it just brought back memories of me playing it in stuff, and the tone is kinda sad as it is the song that credits after you finish the game, and I don't why but it just hit me, "A Nameless Song", a song thats name that has been long forgotten, a song that could be anything to anyone as personal when it comes to things like this as this was a bit personal to me everyone has that special song that reminds them of those good old memories of a time when everything seemed better and to me thats what this song represented to me, so I went with that name and I listened to a guy who remixes songs and he did one for A Nameless Song, called I had a name, and I knew when I started writing the story, that no matter what the final chapter was always going to be called I had a name as it fit with the title of the book, and honestly kinda was a nice conclusion to the story, but yeah that's how I ended up naming it this which honestly I don't regret as it was a good decision at least to me.

The Original Nameless Song:

The Remix:

Which one in your mind do you think is better? I do like them both and they are quite different as both to me at least give off different feelings.

Why I wrote it:

I stopped writing stories for a very long time as I lost passion for them and during that time I ended up in a relationship with a girl who I thought was the one you know? Yeah turns out I was blind and an idiot and went through a lot of shit, I won't go into too much detail but it ended horribly. So one day I'm sitting there in my bed just on my phone when I saw the holocouncil debut and at first I was kinda like meh, but I ended up watching Mumei's streams and find myself enjoying them. I didn't do anything to be honest, and I was curious how many reader x Mumei stories were out there, and was very surprised there was pretty much nothing out there, which honestly surprised me, I did discover one which is pretty good called A Theatrical Love, which is a really good story and I recommend it to you guys, and one I randomly found on devianart I think which had a great start but they never finished it.

So around that time was when I started thinking about maybe actually writing a story about that, but was very hesitant about it as I wasn't really a good writer in my mind as I felt that my other stories were mediocre at best and I never really did a Hololive story before as I had three stories that were all about RWBY, and a Dead Space book which I started and was really passionate about it but stopped due to me feeling like I wasn't really that good of a writer. So I didn't write anything as because I was nervous about it, even though I had this idea for this story just plaguing my mind, and it wasn't until the fall semester finished when I regained that passion for writing as I took a writing class which actually really inspired me to write again as I put so much effort into the projects and papers I wrote in which people actually enjoyed what I written which I did not tell my professor this but all of the nonfiction papers I had to write were made up on the fucking spot, as the first project was all about how you learned how to read or write which I don't remember how I learned it, I don't even remember much from back then other than the fact I was a little shit but like how? So I made up a fucking story on the spot and turned that in. Next thing was a genre project of sorts where you had to write a story or something in a certain genre so I went with writing a script for a horror movie, which I did not finish but that was okay with me as thing got a good grade and stuff, and kinda made me want to write again as people seemed to enjoy what I wrote so far, and compared it to making them feeling uneasy about it and compared to American Psycho. 

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