Chapter 5

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Tip toeing, Sasha entered into the classroom. She held her breath, hoping her Teacher wouldnt turn around to see her quietly slipping into her desk. And if it wasnt for the wicked boy Bradley she might have even gotten away with it.
"Mrs" he called "Sasha is here" the woman turned around, the mere sight of her filled the girl with a sense of dread, everything about her was unsettling, from her gray skin and tight bun that pulled her scalp back, to the huge eyes she wore that seemed to sink into her face like she had gone her whole life without sleep. Finally Sasha managed to meet her searing gaze
"Good morning Mrs" she choked out sheepishly, wishing she could disappear into thin air.
"Come here" the Teacher said with a scowl, Sasha slowly walked across the room; the impending punishment that awaited her on the other side made the room grow so that the journey was that much more agonizing. When she reached her Teacher, the woman looked down her nose at the girl, not deigning to move her head "you're late."
"Yes" Sasha replied bravely, in contrast to her trembling body.
"Your hand" the Teacher continued as she reached for her ruler, Sasha closed her eyes, preparing herself for what would come next. With a shaky breath and a trembling hand, Sasha held her palm out to the woman, without waiting another moment, the Teacher gripped it and struck the girl's hand with every painful syllable she spoke "you-will-not-do-this-again!" After it was over Sasha released her clenched teeth, she hadnt made a sound knowing it would only cause Bradley more satisfaction. Looking down at her hand, Sasha felt the heat rising into a burning sensation as blood began to seep through the new cracks in her skin. Without a word she turned away to take a seat, she was to do her work as usual, writing and taking notes with her injured right hand. The pencil felt like a knife in her grasp, causing the pain to worsen, after a while blood began to slip down her hand onto her books and desk. During lunch and break she was not allowed to bandage her hand and so Sasha held her skirt to it, covering her clothes in crimson red.


After the bell had rung, the young bleeding girl sluggishly exited the building and walked down the street. She could feel Bradleys gaze on her as she went but didnt care; Sasha knew that at least for today he had gotten his fill of her suffering, she was safe from him for now.
Exhausted to the point of fainting, the girl walked on, with every step her knees threatened to give, but her will to see Yew was stronger than her bodies want to rest.

When Sasha reached the clearing where Yew resided he greeted her with a dazzling smile, but as she drew closer that smile quickly morphed into horror. Sasha was unsteady, walking dazed as if in a dream, leaving a trail of blood drops in her wake. her dress was plagued with deep splotches of crimson red. Her eyes glazed over from the loss of blood; each step bringing her closer to the silent nothingness of sleep. Yew ran to her, catching her just before she succumbed to her body's will and fell. "What happened?" he begged
"I was late to school" Sasha answered looking up at him, a weak smile on her lips, and then she lost consciousness.


Humming rang in her ears as she opened her eyes. Prying her own eyes open, light blinded Sashas vision and Yews face leaning over her came into focus. His fingers played with her hair as she lay on his lap, and just like she assumed, it was also comfortable. "Are you feeling better?" the boy asked in a gentle voice. Sasha lifted her hand into view and saw that Yew had wrapped leaves and vines around it to stop the bleeding.
"Yes, thank you" she replied, the pain in her hand having died down and the fog in her mind clearing somewhat. Sasha loved how Yew continued to brush her bangs lightly with his fingers; it was therapeutic in a way.
Moments passed in silence as Sasha lay there, feeling Yews soft gaze on her, when she would peer through her eyelids she could see something hidden in the wooden boys eyes but paid it no mind. The afternoon sun gently shone on the two wishing theyd stay like this forever but, all things change whether good or bad.

Sighing, Sasha finally sat up and said "I should go back now, if I come home early then perhaps my Uncle will be more understanding of what happened; Im too tired to have him yell at me" her voice was apathetic, too nonchalant for the words she was saying. Yew nodded and stood up first, so he could help Sasha to her feet. As they walked back they were followed by a comfortable silence, at least Sasha though it was.
Before parting ways they exchanged a look that spoke louder than anything they could ever say. Sasha walked out of the forest and went home to dream about Yew.

As the boy turned back, into his sanctuary, he thought upon those two voices inside him that were at war. The one who wanted to know and the other who begged him to hide; his actions that day proved that he had already decided upon one and though the other voice screamed at him, saying this wasnt natures course, Yew wouldnt care. He had chosen the former; Yew wanted to be a part of Sashas life, to protect her, to help her, but mostly he wanted to learn more, wanted her to teach him of this feeling that continued to grow, he wanted to feel everything.

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