|Chapter 20| The Reception Day

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"What I can't understand? Please do tell me."

Zarnish shook her head and said

"Please Shah Zain, don't force me. I don't want to talk right now."

She turned back and started making her way inside the Haveli. I then said

"Zarnish, don't you want to marry me? Didn't you like me? Does my marriage with Shiza not bother you?"

My voice was laced with agitation and desperation. She needs to answer that one particular question. She couldn't be silent on it. She looked straight into my eyes. Her eyes turning glossy and I hated that. She sniffled and answered before making her way inside

"No matter what you think but remember one thing, I hate that girl to the core and I will forever hate her for snatching you from me."

I stood there on my spot worried and tongue tied. What is this happening?...

Shiza's POV

I was currently sitting in Bisma's room. After the breakfast, I came here to meet khala and her. I missed them already. The door opened and Khala entered inside. She passed me a smile and I returned her smile with the same gratitude.

She took a seat beside me and ran her frail hands on my hairs tenderly. I smiled in her direction. But I frowned when I noticed the dark circles and swelling under her eyes. I touched it lightly with my fingers and asked her worriedly

"What happened, khala? Why are your eyes swollen?"

She smiled sensing my concern before saying

"Don't worry, beta. I couldn't sleep properly last night."

I sighed in concern. She needs to take care of herself. How will she do without me? I held her hands in my grip and tried to explain her

"Khala, please take care of yourself. I don't want you to fall sick."

She chuckled and assured me

"Don't worry. When I had such a caring and loving daughter than I don't fear anything."

I smiled hearing her sweet words for me but still she needs to proper take care of herself. So I asked her

"Promise me, khala. You will take great care of yourself. Please do take your medicines on time and don't ever skip dinner."

She nodded her head and patted my head before saying

"Yes, my dear. Rest assured. Also, Bisma will be there for me. You should not worry about my anymore. You have a home now. You have responsibilities here."

My mood went sour. Only if you know, khala. But I chose to remain silent. I don't want to worry her. But I did make clear that

"No matter what, you are my khala and no one can stop me from worrying for you and Bisma. You both are my only family."

"She is saying absolutely right, Ammi. We are her only family and it's her duty to worry for us."

Bisma's playful voice pulled us out of our khala-niece talk. She smiled in my direction before enveloping me in a hug. She rocked us back and forth before muttering sadly

"I'm gonna miss you. Who will make delicious dishes for me."

She pouted and I couldn't help but laugh. She knew how to cheer up someone. So I stated

"Don't worry, whenever you want to eat something, just give me a call and I will come and make it for you."

She squealed in happiness but khala stated

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