"You know, given that last time we ended up making out on your bed-" I smirk.

"Ok," Miles laughs nervously as he tries to stop me from continuing to bring up those memories.

"And Miss Grose walked in so you just held my hand because you were obsessed with me," I continued, still smirking. I look out the side of my eye as he grabs two pillows, I put my hands up in an act to shield myself but I was too late. He had already slammed the pillows into both sides of my body at the same time, only one pillow was half blocked by my hand.

"Look what you've done, now I have to kill y-" I start before being rudely interrupted by another pillow which was thrown directly at my head. I pick it up and swing it towards Miles, he groans as It hits him square in the face. I then jump towards him and tackle him away from the pillows so that it's just us wrestling and him trying to tear me away so that he can get back his whiteish, not nearly as poofy as they should be, weapons. Before I start to consider it weird I realize that his face is practically buried in my stomach and that my legs are actually wrapped around his torso, not tightly but enough to prop me up whilst I grab a pillow from just behind his head since he somehow slithered his way backwards and towards it.

"You win," Miles complains as I lean back and hold the pillow high in the air, alluding to a strong attack to his head. I get off of Miles and turn my back to him (big mistake) as I start to collect the pillows which I was going to put back on his bed. All of a sudden Miles' arms came around from behind as he held a pillow at either side in a sort of blindfolding action as he pressed the pillow to my face so that I couldn't see and could barely breathe. As he finally takes off the pillow after realizing I probably wasn't able to breathe (which was correct) I realize that I am positioned on top of his body. My back is on his chest which is heaving up and down since he has been laughing and out of breath for a while now. I roll off of him and scowl which makes him laugh harder.

"I win," Miles says.

"You literally forfeited a minute ago," I roll my eyes and start to feel a smile form on my lips as I observe how hard Miles is laughing, he honestly looks hysterical.

"You are delusional," I say.

"Yeah well, you're just mad because I bested you," Miles retorts, propping himself up onto his bed. He looks so puffed out, his hair is all frizzy and in his eyes. I accidentally start to look at his body language which is making me extremely nervous since his sweater is slightly tight and is extenuating his slim waist and his kind of bony, veiny hands are resting on his knees which are slightly splayed. How is he so fine when he isn't even trying, no no no, I can't like him, I need to stop. Miles groans and stretches his arms up and towards the ceiling as he leans his head back against the wall, his neck exposed and his jumper catching slightly so that his waistband is just slightly visible. Fucking kill me already, I am never getting over him. He starts to randomly knock his knuckles against the wall in a weird pattern as he arches his back slightly to reach the back of his hands enough to touch the white plaster wall. I just stare at him, it's all I can do, nothing in me is willing to look away. I notice his head move as he starts to look back at me so I avert my eyes to the side of him and slowly turn my head so that it looks like I was never staring at him but that I was just zoning out.

"Is" Miles says.

"Mm?" I hum in response.

"I forgot to tell you. They've started selling little fancy entrees and stuff at The Icebox," Miles says.

"Really?" I ask. Wait, I'm kind of excited because food is awesome and I actually really like The Icebox.

"Yeah, wanna go tonight, I haven't really been in a while, coz you know Quint usually took me," Miles says, not seeming sad but more numb and fake like he always is when he pretends to be fine with what happened to his friend.

"Yeah, if you're ready to go back again," I say, seriously as I know from experience how hard it is to go back to places that you have too many memories in.

"Oh I'm fine with going it's just that I had no one to drop me off," Miles lies.

"Miles," I say, searching his eyes for a hint that he understands that I understand why he was avoiding going.

"Yeah?" Miles asks, annoyedly, staring back at me with that extremely irritating attitude and sass that he never really used on me before. I stay silent for a second before sighing and saying, "Alright let's go to the town for a bit before it gets dark."

"Um, okay, to do what?" Miles answers, folding his arms and leaning forwards expectantly.

"I don't know, you tell me. How the fuck would I know anyway," I say, irritated.

"Woah, calm down jeez," Miles rolls his eyes. I watch as he lays down on his bed before starting to roll off of it. He ends up landing on my mattress and then just staring up at me. I stare down at him awkwardly, what do I say, I kind of really want to kiss him...NO I can't, he would probably let me though, but I can't do it, I can't because I broke up with him and it's just cruel to kiss him after that.

"You good?" Miles says, I clearly must have been pulling a strange face at him whilst I had gone into a frenzy of internally freaking out.

"Yeah," I say, clearing my throat unnecessarily and getting up. Miles sits up on the mattress and tilts his head slightly as he keeps eye contact with me in an almost questioning manner.

"I like your hair by the way," Miles randomly blurts out.

"Oh? Thanks," I reply even though I feel very uncomfortable since I had kind of done it because I was so angry at him and I wanted him to fall for me so that I could reject him...

"I think dyed hair is hot," Miles keeps going. What is going on about now?

"Um, I know," I laugh as I think about Harley and Hannah Montery who have both dyed their hair. Hannah dyed hers blonde which I only just realized since I always thought it was natural but when I saw a photo in the yearbook from last year it was dark brown and short.

"Is that why you dyed it?" Miles pushes further trying to get an explanation out of me.

"No," I reply, trying to make it seem like I think his question is stupid even though I know it could quite possibly be correct.

"Let's go, town, icebox, remember?" I say, raising my eyebrows at him expectantly as he quickly gets up and follows me out the door. 

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