"Oi, no looking down!" Mal says firmly which makes us all laugh.

After the makeover is done, Mal and Amara teach me how to do a different style of makeup that suggests that I "was heartbroken but now tougher and ready to meet hotter people," I don't know really it was Mal's words not mine. I looked unbelievably different when I looked in the mirror after the "Breakover" which is what Mal and Amara insisted on calling it.

"Now take this and wipe off all of the makeup you can't go to bed with it on. It will smudge on everything including you," Mal says, handing me cotton stuff and a non-alcoholic makeup remover bottle.

"Ok. Thanks so much guys," I smile at them and then at my reflection in the mirror.

"Of course, oh my lord you look so hot, I am so proud of us," Amara says high fiving Mal.

The next day I prepare for the looks from everyone. No one has ever changed their appearance out of nowhere at this school and it's like the boldest thing you can do. Plus Mal ended up bleaching my hair so that is a noticeable change.

I saw Carter checking me out as I walked to my locker, I don't think he recognized me, god I don't look that different honestly! My hair is dyed as well as shorter and my makeup is better than I could have ever done it before. I feel confident but still extremely heartbroken given it's only been, what three days? I don't even know at this point.

"Issy," I hear Allegra shout.

"Hey," I say, as she comes jogging to me after the second period.

"Woah, you look so different. Mal and Amara told me about the Breakover," Allegra chuckles.

"I honestly didn't believe them but wow, you look great," She continues, touching my hair. Her eyes flicker down to my shirt which has the first two buttons on it unbuttoned and my Blazer is undone since everyone usually has their blazer buttons undone but I don't.

"You trying to impress someone, Oh wait no, jealousy, you're trying to make him jealous," Allegra says, glancing in the direction of Miles who is about to walk past us. By this point Amara and I have told the friendship group pretty much as much as they needed to know about Miles and I.

"Yeah so in conclusion I need your notes for math, I completely zoned out and didn't write them down," Allegra makes up something on the spot in case Miles overhears our conversation.

"Nice save," I laugh as soon as he is further away.

"Thanks, but I wasn't joking, I also came here to ask you that," She giggles.

"Well, I can help you with that," I chuckle as we walk to our next class together.

It's been a week and a lot of stuff has been happening.

Mattheo asked me out, I said no, he realized who I was and called me a bunch of insults again, Carter D stood up for me and then we went on a date that night. Mal started to realize she likes this guy called Jack and so they started hanging out, they will probably get together soon. The psych oral is today and I am beyond nervous. Miles hasn't tried to date another person yet which Is kind of surprising. Amara and I are currently heading to class, both of us on edge for the oral which is this period.

"Ok girls and boys, we are going in roll order, first up is Kayden Abertviolo, did I say that correctly Kayden? Yes oh ok," Miss Kelly asks. Kayden starts his oral with a greeting before heading right into the topic of how feelings cause us to act a certain way. I'm doing a similar version of the topic for my oral exam except it is about how remembering certain memories makes you feel a certain way and why, which was a hard one to choose but I'm here for the challenge. Miles chose the same topic as Kayden and so did Carter, Mal, Rosie, Denny, Callum and Laura. It is now Miles' turn and I am trying my hardest not to hang onto every word he says, instead I act uninterested...but all of the sudden something he says grabs my attention.

"The photo here shows that the two children in the picture are scared of becoming close because of their family life and other friends as you can see here, who already left the kids behind to play with others," Miles says as he points to two little kids facing each other, each has an either angry or happy family behind them with other little kids playing in the background.

"The actions of the parents and other kids around these two, means that they will find it hard to trust each other. Although it will eventually happen there will be uncertainty and anxiety about the forming relationship which will cause an emotional boundary between them."

When Miles finished talking I couldn't help but think about those words, he talked about trust, anxiety and people leaving others behind, it feels like he is talking about us, Quint and his parents. I really want to console him but it's not my place to do that right now or maybe ever again. The bell finally rings but as soon as I step out of the classroom, I see Carter standing there smiling at me. Oh shit.

"Hey, um Carts, I don't think I can do this right now," I say, gesturing at both of us. I feel bad but I can't just lead someone on knowing that I still feel something for Miles.

"Oh, um, that's fine I guess, friends?" He stammers, smiling a little less brightly at me.

"Yeah, Of course," I say, feeling horrible and awkward, I just want to get out of this place before I break someone else. 

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