Chapter 21 📕💥

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"I mean I don't really mind if people know," I say, uncontrollably smiling at the word us. It's been awhile since we got together but I still get all sentimental and sappy when I hear anything that confirms Miles and I are actually in a relationship.

"I guess I'm fine with that too, oh and did you get Flora's note?" He asks, resting his hands on my chair and looking down at me. I had swerved around to face him, now I am practically trapped between his arms, body and back of my chair. Of course I could escape through the sides but I have no intention of doing so with this absolute hottie staring me up and down.

"Yeah I got her note," I smile, looking up at his body which is towering over mine, I have the urge to just grab him and kiss him but I can't...wait no I can, I'm his girlfriend I can do whatever the hell I want. I grab his shirt and kiss him, he kisses me back passionately, moving closer to the chair so that our legs are touching. I smile into the kiss which makes him smile too, we stop kissing and look at eachother. I like to look at him, it's quite weird but entertaining plus I always catch him just existing and can't seem to tear my eyes away from him. If I told myself last year that I am "In love" with Miles Fairchild I would have shot myself thinking I was a doppelganger, I know it sounds dramatic but seriously, I would have. He honestly used to be just as disgusting as Mattheo is, if not worse, but now, I don't even know how he has changed so much.

"Well I'll see you later babe," Miles calls, getting up and walking to the door as I externally cringe at him.

"You need to stop that," I say to him as he leans on the door and smirks, he knows I hate the word babe, ESPECIALLY being called it.

"But babe what else am I supposed to even call you?" he complains. I let out a snort of laughter and grab a pillow which I throw at his face.

"Hey! Oh wait..." Miles says mischievously stopping and looking at the pillow he is holding .

"No pillow fight," I say, crossing my arms and then quickly uncrossing them since I may need to catch the pillow which he is highly likely to throw at me even though there are many glasses containing different beverages that practically live on my desk.

"Now scram I need to finish some homework if I want to get my grades up in math and History," I say to Miles who sighs and throws the pillow at me, I catch it and chuck it onto my bed.

"Nerd," he mutters, in a loving way I'm assuming as he moves towards me and kisses the top of my head before leaving the room casually. My heart flutters a little which is a tad bit embarrassing. I turn my attention back to my studying but can't help but feel annoyed at Mal for flirting with Miles. What if Miles wasn't joking that one time, what if he really thinks Mal is attractive.

It's been a week and I'm sitting at the school café which Rosie used to work at before she got fired because she was smuggling us free drinks. Miles and I still haven't told anyone else that we are together which is starting to make me anxious because it's building up to more than it needs to be. I sip on my warm coffee which is a bit too hot to the point where my tongue feels burnt at the tip. I get up and take my cup with me as I head towards the library which practically only a few people are currently in. I scan the bookshelves and finally find an old copy of Harry potter and the Philosopher's stone which I read when I first came to this school.

"Quiet," I hear someone giggle behind the bookshelf.

"Why should I be quiet, huh?" I hear a voice flirt back. I move two books out of the shelf and try to peer through but it is solid behind them. I start to creep around the shelf to see who is there, maybe it's in my head. My stomach drops. It's Diego kissing a girl called Lily, WHAT THE FUCK. I grab a book, a soft cover one because I'm not a psycho, and throw it at him with full force.

"Ow!" He frowns looking around and seeing me storming towards him fuming.

"You're disgusting," I spit. Lily looks at me with shock and anger.

"Do you mind?" She says, crossing her arms and standing in between Diego and I. Amara is going to be heart broken.

"I do mind actually, he is dating my friend," I whisper shout since I remember that we are in a library, even though no one stays quiet anyway.

"What!" Lily says, spinning around to face Diego who has practically no blood left in his face.

"Don't tell Amara, please," Diego says, looking incredibly shaken.

"Hah, sure," I laugh bitterly as I grab another book and throw it at was a hard cover.

"Shit, that hurts," He says angrily. I flip him off before storming away.

I run off to find Amara who I find sitting on her bed, looking bored and lonely.

"Amara," I say out of breath as I burst into her room.

"Issy? Yeah, what is it?" She says, looking at me concerned.

"I just caught Diego kissing Lily in the library," I say cautiously as I come and sit down next to her.

"You're joking right? It doesn't sound like a good joke to be honest because neither of us are laughing. Girl it's a joke right?" Amara laughs disbelievingly as I hold her hand gently.

"No, I'm so sorry," I say. My eyes start to sting a bit with tears. GOD since when did I become so weak, I HATE crying.

"Oh," Amara says, her eyes welling with tears. I hug her for a bit and she hugs me back, sobbing into my shoulder.

"I um...threw a book at him," I say out of nowhere.

"You what?" Amara says, with some effort since she is now giggling at my random statement.

"It had a hard cover as well," I chuckle.

"Girl you're such a good friend," Amara smiles, squeezing my hand and asking me to tell her what I saw in detail so that she can be angry with him even more. 

🍂Miles Fairchild💀Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang