Chapter 18 🤩

Comincia dall'inizio

"Allegra, look," I whisper urgently so that Allegra subtly turns around and sees them.

"Oh my god, I'm so proud," Allegra says in a hushed voice.

"Same," I smile. We watch as they leave the dancefloor to go somewhere more private.

"Ah so this is why you bitches don't want to dance with me, it's because you're lesbians," Mattheo sneers, looking at us with disgust. I burst out laughing.

"That's your conclusion? Honestly Mattheo? I'm dancing with my friend because I choose not to dance with the likes of you. Get a life and stop bothering people way out of your league, I know that will be hard since that's pretty much everyone," I say, continuing to dance with Allegra as Mattheo starts spitting nonsense insults at us before storming off.

"The fuck was that about," Allegra laughs hysterically as she spins me around again and again.

"Shit, I'm so dizzy," I complain.

"Sorry," She laughs. I laugh but immediately stop when I see Miles nearby dancing with Hannah Montery. He feels my eyes on him and looks around to see who it is, I avert my gaze from his direction immediately and continue dancing and talking to Allegra about how cute Marnie and Rosie dancing was. I can't help but want to be the one dancing with Miles, nothing has made me lose feelings for him, not even when he was acting like a complete idiot. He is in a pair of black jeans and an oversized white shirt which is unbuttoned and a bit see through. I honestly can't take my eyes off of him. Hannah is wearing a short pink dress which reminds me of a Barbie doll way too much for me to like it in any way although I do like how she has her long blond hair in Dutch braids tied with pink ribbons down the length of her back. I watch Miles spin her around and as his head turns, for a split second we make eye contact. My heart sinks as I watch his attention immediately go back to Hannah.

When everyone eventually leaves that night and goes "back to their dorms" ...the real fun begins. We all slowly start to make our way to Diego's room quietly and at different times so that we don't arouse suspicion.

"The first game of the night is truth or dare," Brittany says as everyone settles down. She is one of the nicer popular kids but to be honest I still find her annoying and stuck up. Scattered mumbling spreads across the dorm room. Diego having a leadership role which is sports and competitions captain, gives him the envied privilege of having a room that is nearly double the size of ours, he shares with Miles. I had forgotten this until Amara had mentioned it to me as we were walking to his room together.

"We are going to go around in a circle and whoever just answered has to ask the truth or dare to the next person, simple," Brittany says in her high pitched voice.

We all move into a circle and go in the order of boy, girl, boy, girl, etc...

"I'll ask first, ok. James truth or dare?" Brittany says turning to James, now everyone is looking at him.

"Dare," He says. Everyone makes an Ooooh sound, I don't join in, I am feeling heavily cringed out and anxious about the whole concept of this.

"I dare you to dance in the middle of the circle to BABY GOT BACK by Sir Mix-a-Lot," Brittany says laughing as she gets a speaker out of literally nowhere and starts playing the song.

"This is awesome," I hear Carter say next to me as we all laugh hysterically at James' dancing. Miles is on the other side of the room, looking at me but still chuckling with his friends at James. I can see it out of the corner of my eye, my face heats up as I continue to act casual and laugh along.

"Truth or dare," James says, completely puffed out as he sits down. He was laughing too so it wasn't us making fun of him. Suddenly I feel like this could be fun but then I realize it's my turn soon, three more people until me, my stomach knots up as I internally freak out and WOULD MILES QUIT LOOKING AT ME FOR GOD SAKE. What is he even trying to achieve!?

"What celebrity would you want to see naked?" Katy asks Carter, shit it's my turn next, how did I not notice.

"Winona Ryder," Carter answered a little too fast. Laughter followed by nods of agreement from most of the guys in the room. They are all so gross honestly. Allegra and I exchange an eye roll before giggling quietly.

"Truth or dare," Carter asks. Ah shit what do I do.

"Truth," I say confidently even though this is probably the least confident I have ever been in my entire life.

"Have you kissed anyone in this room?" Carter asks me. Is he stupid or something? I literally kissed him in like ninth grade.

"Yeah," I smirk, winking at James who smirks back at me knowingly. We were together for a while before we both kinda lost interest but we are still friends in a way because neither of us are awkward about it. I Glance over at Miles as I turn my head to the person next to me, I notice that Miles is looking at James, no expression on his face, just looking. He is jealous, well good.

"Truth or dare?" I ask.

"Dare," Diego responds quickly, probably trying to appear brave since Amara is sitting on the other side of him. 

"Alright then, I dare you to kiss the person to the right of you," I smirk, knowing that Amara is next to him and that she has a crush on him. They both turn and look at each other before Diego leans in and kisses her. After that they sit slightly closer to each other as we all move around the circle and continue the game. When it gets to Miles he gets a weird ass question.

"Truth or dare?" Bonnie asks him.

"Truth," Miles shrugs.

"Would you rather have to walk around with no clothes on for a day or have your thoughts displayed as thought bubbles for everyone to read?" Bonnie says.

"Walk around without clothes for a day," Miles smirks. I internally roll my eyes. A bunch of girls giggle. He was the last person to have to answer questions so we move onto the next game swiftly afterwards.

"Ok so basically this game is called Do or Drink," Diego says standing up from the circle. Amara looks up at him adoringly from where she is sitting.

"We go around and dare each other to do something but if we don't want to do it, we have to drink one of the cups filled with straight vodka," Diego finishes. I look at Amara nervously, she looks at me in the same way.

Everyone plays for a while but most people just choose to drink because let's be honest some of these dares were down bad.

"Issy, I dare you to throw an egg at someone in this room," Brittany says as she hands me an egg. I smirk and walk towards Miles before turning sharply and throwing the egg at Mattheo's head with force.

"Argh you psychotic bi-" Mattheo yells as he stands up from the bed he was sitting on and tries to come at me. He falls on his face, I look at the person beside him, it's Allegra. She had tripped him over with her foot which she had moved ever so slightly.

"Woah," Brittany laughs, so does everyone else. Amara and I look at eachother which immediately makes us die of laughter. Mattheo rushes to the bathroom to clean his face up.

🍂Miles Fairchild💀Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora