"Are you done playing games with them?" I said after a quick laugh.

"Oh Liz, so impulsive... that could lead to recklessness".

"I know, recklessness is my speciality and what made me one of the best, you should try it sometime" I stated.

"No thank you, I rather do everything planned and calculated" he replied.

"Now, that's boring" I snorted and for the first time he glared at me.

"How did your captain handle you?" he asked annoyed, finally sick of my smart-ass comments and I laughed.

"He didn't, he let me do whatever the hell I wanted and it always seemed to work out" I said with a huge satisfied grin on my face.

Zayn's POV

I had no idea what to think but it was better to not say anything, Liz seemed to be handling the talking very well by herself.

I was surprised about her attitude and the language she was using.

The Captain was right, this was a side of her I had never seen.

"Please, let's get this over with" Liz said and I saw her lift her leg and get a small knife-blade from her shoes and she held it like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Are you sure you want to do this? There are 4 of us and one of you" he said not even acknowledging Ais or any of the rest of us which made me angry.

"Uh, I'm sorry apparently you are not very good at math but it's actually 4 of you and 2 of us, right Andrew?" she said and Andrew walked out from the hallway that leads to the rooms. Where the hell did he come from?

"Yes. You really need to learn how to count" he said in a mocking tone and did a swift weird handshake with Liz before standing next to her with a blade on his hand I had not noticed until now.

"What is this, what are you doing here?" the Captain asked.

Andrew's POV

"Oh nothing, I was in the neighborhood and decided to pay a visit to my pals here" I said smiling and the Captain looked angry.

"What's wrong, you don't seem so happy about Andrew stopping by" said Liz sounding innocent but smiling and I had to smile too.

"Thanks for the call sweetheart, you know how I love a good fight" I said towards Liz but didn't take my eyes off the Captain.

"You see Captain, when I found out Ais was your spy, I contacted my friend here and told him to get his butt here because I knew you were going to come. I used to be a strategist at Eclipse too 'Sir' and I knew you wouldn't trust a rookie to be straight forward on her first mission so you would come and confirm it yourself" she finished and by this time the Captain was flushed red with anger, of being so stupid as falling on a trap that Liz set for him.

"Let me guess.... the place is surrounded by Eclipse agents?" he asked in a choked angry voice.

"Aww, he's not that dumb Andrew" Liz said in a sweet voice and I laughed.

"Who knew he had it in him" I added and she smiled and winked at me.

"Looks like you were outsmarted Sir" Liz said and we heard 'swish' sounds and suddenly a couple of members of Eclipse were inside, my Captain was one of them.

Liz's POV

We had gotten distracted for one second, one damn second and Shadow's Captain had somehow grabbed Niall and pulled him closer and now was pressing a knife to his throat.

I was hardly keeping my anger under control but I wasn't doing that good.

"Let him go" I said in a slow deadly tone and the bastard laughed.

"Aww so much time you spent acting like you don't care in front of me but now you can't hide it any longer can you, now that you're going to lose him for being such a bitch" he spat back at me.

"You hurt him and I'll kill you with my own bare hands" I said with a knot on my throat watching the fear in Niall's eyes.

I felt so useless and hopeless, what could I do?

"Take me, if someone is going to die, then let it be me not him" I saw Niall starting to struggle, don't Niall please don't or he'll kill you, I thought to myself.

"Don't" he said barely audible because of the pressure of the blade.

"I like that idea, I have so much hatred for you that if I die tonight I'm glad I'll take you with me" the Captain said.

"Alright, I'll walk slowly towards you and you will let Niall go" I stated while I took slow steps to him, I heard everyone telling me not to do it but I ignored them, I was not going to let the love of my life die because of me.

When I was on his arm reach he push Niall away to where Andrew was and took me and then I was in the same position Niall was a couple of seconds ago.

Niall's POV

Liz is going to die for me, I thought with a indescribable pain in my heart that would never leave me if I lost her.

I was still on the floor, with no strength to get up and face whatever happened, but I looked up at her and she was looking at me, with tear in her eyes.

"I love you" I whispered knowing no one would've heard me but she read my lips and looked away from me.

"If you are going to do it, let's get it over with" she said and I started to panic, what is wrong with her, trying to get herself killed.

"You're right" he said "see how you're big mouth turned out to be your downfall" he said and Liz smiled....why would she smiled, does she have a death wish?

But then I noticed her hand close to her left pocket, slowly going inside the pocket and unnoticed she took a small little blade no more than 3 inches long, what the-

That's when she elbowed him with her right side and before he could slit her throat she  leaned down just in time to avoid getting cut and then twirled around to face him and buried the small blade on his neck where blood started gushing out.

When he tried to stop the bleeding with his hand I heard another pain cry and saw a knife buried on his forehead before he fell to the ground, dead. I looked around and saw Andrew in a position that let me know he was the one who threw the knife.

I got up quickly and ran towards Liz who was looking at her hands and clothes which had the Captain's blood that had sputtered all over her.

I took her bloodied hands and tried to made her look at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked with tears burning in my eyes.

She nodded and then looked at me, speechless but I saw her frown at me, freed herself of my hold, pushed me softly away from her and ran out the door...

It's Still Complicated ☾ z.m. [unedited]Where stories live. Discover now