chapter 2 plasma knights vs fear flame, Enter Umbra saga part 2

Start from the beginning

Pyhrra: but I don't understand what....

Yusei: only way to destroy umbra it's core itself.

Selena: thanks to you! We almost destroy grimm. But no you have to attack which allow it to counter attack.

Pyhrra look down: but...i...

Sapphire begin treatment on Nora and Ren. Even though they hit them, Sapphire is medical unit, and her job help injured people even though they deserve it. Sapphire shook her head as pyhrra getting lecture by jaune team.

Jaune: I keep telling you to change your style but your stubborn and pride well not work in team!

Fear flame have enough, he attack jaune. Jaune block attack by two dagger blade, and fear flame power up its power.

Sapphire: Jaune!!

Jaune got up as Fear flame strike again.

Fear flame: foolish human you never stop me!

Jaune:'he is right if wasn't for pyhrra we could have defeat that umbra....wait that's it!'

Jaune look at his own power, and felt certain roar in his body.

Jaune: power of darkness hear my cry for power to defeat umbra!

Dark light appears as spear flown in air, and jaune got new plan.

Jaune: Selena ready fire dark a spear

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Jaune: Selena ready fire dark a spear

Selena grin: ready boss

Jaune: sapphire Yusei help Selena now.

Sapphire: yes jaune

Yusei: I do love your crazy plan!

Selena reload her weapon but this time dark spear insert to barrel. Yusei and Selena transfer their aura towards weapon, and jaune focus fear flame towards him. Fear flame jump on air ready to use his move again. Jaune active his aura and fire his enegry

Jaune: fire now!

Selena fire her booster cannon, which full charge spear shot through fear flame body. Fear flame scream as his void shatter as his core breaking. Fell down as jaune walk towards him, and ready stab core. Fear flame laughs as jaune look at him.

Jaune: why are you laughing....

Fear flame: why hahaha you foolish you only take down low rank like me!

Sapphire: low rank!

Selena: that's not good.

Yusei: wait that's mean s.....

Fear flame: I'm low rank member but others are coming. More stronger then me and dangerous as well!

Pyhrra: wait if is true then im.....

Pyhrra fall down, just relises she beem struggling against grimm is low rank. Jaune heard enough, stab core and which destroy as fear flame turn into dust, no remains to find.

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