Chapter I: The Mark of the Bull

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The emptiness is feeling heavy,

Notion of forthcoming disaster amplified,

Amongst the heightened worries,

The meaning of joy, contempt, and fullness,

is sunk in the deep ocean of dark delusion.

Oasis being an illusion, the man still takes,

a step closer in a hope of rejuvenation,

The water, the clear stream, all evaporated,

ashy grains of dust are all that remain.

Savoring poison doesn't remove it's ill-nature,

it's still poison potent of a cemetery,

It is but meaningless to fill an unbound space,

as the space is spacious with nothingness.

The bard's words held captive - the ears of all those who stood on the burial grounds. The soft, lilting melodic strumming of the lyre he played brought a wave of sorrow flowing through them- a comforting discomfort, to put it lightly. There was a reason Hal Tegan was appointed the royal bard.

His name held the greatest irony - Hal, which refers to the 'Army Chief,' never made it into the army. He could barely hold a sword without falling over, and the cavalry had spent the auctioning days denigrating him and his musical dreams. Yet, the same cavalry bowed their heads before him as he sang words for the queen who had passed, Empress Kimaya van Antaeus.

Though it was a funeral, the bard's words were the only reason behind everyone's sorrow. The queen never did have an important role to play - other than the reason behind political alliances. She was also not the king's only wife.

King Tempestes had two others - Queen Chantara Van Antaeus, sister to the deceased queen, and Lady Pomona Isis, daughter of a nobleman in his court.

Not every land that was once upon a time, far, far away, was a fairy tale.

The land of the Netherdanes lay upon the soil soaked in the blood of the warriors buried underneath. Peace existed for as long as the king defeated his enemies and executed the outlaws.

Blood Stains Crimson: A Snow White Retelling ║WATTYS 2023║حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن