Late Night Comfort

Start from the beginning

Unsure how else to fix the rift growing between you, you breathe out, "I think I'm pregnant."

Dean looks up at you but stays silent, giving you a chance to elaborate.

"I've had this feeling for a while now, and then the morning sickness started, and the mood swings ... and I am just so scared, Dean. I don't know what to do. I'm not ready and I don't want to trap you into something you don't want ..."

"Trap me?" He can't stop himself from pulling you into his lap, his hands wiping away your tears as they continue to fall. "No, sweetheart, a baby would be a blessing, not a trap. Sure it's sooner than expected but it's on the path we planned to follow eventually anyway, right?"

"I don't even know for sure. I mean, I haven't tested or anything, it's just a hunch."

"Well, how about we do that first thing in the morning then? Once we know for sure, we can start moving forward accordingly."

You nod and Dean picks you up and carries you into the bathroom. He sits you on the counter while he moves swiftly around the room running a bubble bath. Once the tub's almost full he helps you strip before setting you down in the water. You watch as he strips himself and slots in behind you. You just sit there enjoying the warmth and comfort in silence for a while, until Dean breaks it quietly.

"How long have you known, or suspected?"

"A few weeks."

"Before I proposed?"

You nod as you play with his fingers under the water.

"We talked for hours that night, we even talked about children and our future. Why didn't you say anything?"

"I ... I guess I was just scared. I didn't know for sure, I still don't. And I was really enjoying the night and your company and I didn't want to ruin it. In hindsight, if I did, you probably wouldn't have proposed."

"I disagree. I think I would have. It just would have given me even more reason to."

"You would have done it for the wrong reasons. You would have done it out of duty."

"I would have done it because I love you. The same reason I did do it."

You turn around in the tub, straddling your fiancé's sexy bow legs. You bring your lips to his as your hands roam his body from his head to his waist, his hands doing the same to you. You make out until the water starts to feel cold against your skin, and then Dean lifts you out and carries you back to bed, your legs wrapped around his waist. Your bodies barely separate as he lays you both down on the soft memory foam mattress. His lips start to explore your neck searching for your sweet spot as you grind your hips against him. When he sucks the skin right below your ear you let out a moan, causing him to suck harder and rut his hips against yours.

He whispers a groan by your ear, "I've missed you, baby. I've missed this. You're so perfect."

He continues his journey down your body, leaving wet kisses along the way: over your chest, paying special attention to your tender breasts before moving down your stomach and hips, he skips over the place you want the most and trails down the inside of your thighs, calves and even your feet before moving back up to your throbbing core. He leaves a few tender kisses there before moving back to your lips.

"I love every inch of your body, you're so beautiful and perfect. And you taste amazing! I still can't believe you're mine," he says as he reaches for the nightstand drawer blindly. You run your hand along his arm bringing it back to your body.

"I'm pretty sure it's too late for that. I just want to feel all of you tonight, Dean. I need to feel you."

He leans down and catches your lips in a deep kiss and he reaches down and lines himself up and smoothly enters you in one move. You let out a low moan against each other's lips as he starts to move. You both know this won't last long; it's been too long.

It's not like anything you've ever shared before: it's slow and tender and each movement is filled with all the love and devotion you feel for each other. You've never felt so in love or connected to the man above you.

After a while, his movements start to stutter. "Come on, baby, I need you to cum with me."

You let go at his words, letting the waves of pleasure wash over you as he rides you through it before joining you. You're not used to the sensation of him exploding inside you like this, the only other time it's ever happened you were too drunk to remember it, but you know you'll never forget tonight. When his hips come to a stop he rolls you both over, laying you on his chest as you catch your breath. Feeling fully content you drift off to sleep in his arms.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

You wake up naked in Dean's arms. You glance up at his sleeping features as you reminisce on the passionate night you shared. And for the first time in years, you actually let yourself believe that everything is gonna be alright. No matter what curve balls Chuck throws at you, you know you and Dean will catch them and ride them out together.

After a while, you start to leave kisses along his chest causing him to stir. "Good morning, beautiful," he says without opening his eyes. "Are you angling for a round two? Or are you gonna let me take you out for breakfast?"

"This feels like Deja Vu... except this time the answer is yes."

"To which option?"


"That's the perfect answer, let's take a shower and then we can head out."


Dean kisses the top of your head before tilting your face so your lips meet his. He lifts you swiftly, his lips barely leaving yours as he carries you into the shower, your legs wrapping tightly around his waist. 

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

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