Denji x Reader (Part 1)

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For the wonderful @snailpee !

Who made this guy so damn fine?  I stood staring a bit surprised at my supposed new partner that had been assigned to me despite my many protests.  Good thing Makima didn't listen to me, this guy looked too good to give away to someone else who wouldn't appreciate his beauty like I was going to. 

"I'm Denji.  Got any snacks?  I'm freaking starving," the blonde guy tilted his head quizzically.  His gaze trailed over my body as if trying to detect any sort of food on me.  Sadly for him he wasn't going to find any.  I, on the other hand, was amused at his clear character.  It wasn't often someone was both attractive and had a decent personality. 

Chuckling softly, I reached my hand out for him to shake.  His face fell at the lack of snacks in my grip but still managed a small eyebrow lift before he clasped my hand firmly.  It was said that you could tell what kind of person someone was by the way they shook your hand.  From what I could tell, he seemed not to care for much of anything other than what he deemed necessary. 

"I'm y/n, your superior and not your coworker.  Remember that and we should get along just fine," I smirked wickedly.  Denji didn't seem to give a single fuck as he withdrew his hand lazily.  It probably would've pissed me off but something about this strange guy filled me with curiosity rather than irritation.  Perhaps he might even become my new obsession if he were unlucky enough. 

"Yeah sure.  I'm really starting to get hungry though.  Can we get food first?" he questioned with another tilt of his head.  An amused grin tugged at my lips as I shrugged.  Makima wasn't lying when she called him puppy-like.  When he saw my nod, his eyes practically shimmered.  I turned away to walk out the door and he didn't waste a second to fall in step beside me like a loyal dog.


"Oh god, it's so good."  My eyebrows raised in fascination as Denji went to town with his dish.  He wasn't lying about being hungry by the looks of the other already eaten platters nearby.  I didn't mind considering I was making Makima pay for it all when we got back to her.  I'd at least make him feel like I was treating him.  It could work out in my favor later on. 

"Eat up then.  After this we got a job that might take all night with no breaks," I warned, politely taking a bite of my own food.  Denji slid his eyes over to me, a strange sensation curling in my chest at the intensity of it.  He paused mid bite, his expression unreadable as if I was a puzzle he wanted to figure out.  I gave him the same look, a bit mockingly.  "Whatever is on your mind, just say it." 

"You're a devil aren't you?  I didn't realize it till now but it makes sense," Denji stated matter of factly before finishing his bite, our eyes never breaking apart.  I was sure that I wasn't being obvious about it and Makima didn't seem the type to give away my identity so easily to a rookie.  It's not that I was freaked out though.  There seemed to be more to Denji than met the eye.  He wasn't just another pretty face. 

"Indeed I am.  The shadow devil to be exact.  Does it bother you?" I pressed on, interlocking my fingers together to gaze at him with a wicked smile.  He set down his plate then, fixing me with all of his attention before he grinned widely.  It was a look so intensely sincere that there was no way it could've been faked easily.  He didn't look one bit uneasy at my confession like plenty of others had been. 

"Not a bit.  I was just going to say you look far too hot to be a human but now it makes sense," he smirked, sharp teeth glinting in the light.  Despite my sudden effort, my pulse became rapid.  I wasn't one to be easily flustered but I definitely felt flattered at Denji's well spoken words and sincere gaze.  I had to brush it off though for the sake of my pride. 

"If this is your way of getting on my good side, you're doing an excellent job, human.  You might find that it would be better for me to hate you than want you though," I whispered threateningly, my own smirk twitching onto my lips.  Denji only scoffed with an eye roll that felt a little too patronizing for my tastes.  His devil-may-care attitude could be the quickest way to get a devil to care for him though.  It was apparently starting to work for me as the feelings in my chest swirled in a confused jumble of conflict. 

"And why is that?  Should I be concerned about some tragic cheesy love story between us?  I think I'd rather you like me than hate me," Denji laughed, brushing off my statement far too easily.  In the span of a second, I had disappeared from my seat across from him to materialize again behind him.  When he turned to face me with surprise, I had already pinned him back onto the table with a victorious smile. 

"Because if you become my next obsession, you'll regret it quickly.  You'll wish that I would tear you apart and a part of me will still want to," I whispered into his ear, feeling his heartbeat speed up against my hand on his chest.  He should've feared me then but when I pulled away to look at his face, I only found his bright blush and a flustered smile.  It was clear he wouldn't take my warning by the glint of mischief in his eyes.  At this point I was becoming too infatuated to care.

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