Enough Is Enough

346 7 33

Warnings- Just cussing

Songs for this Chapter are-
Stay by Rihanna and mikky ekko
Changes by xxxtentacion
Exile by Taylor swift and bon iver

Regular POV

"Hiya Princess!"


"Did you miss me? Because i sure missed you Sweet Holly."

"S-Stay away from me!"

"What I'm here to join you and Madisynn that's her name right? for drinks."

"You tricked me into coming here! Why do you have Madisynn's phone! What did you do to her!"

"I didn't do anything... Yet."

"No!" I mutter in my sleep.

You're having a nightmare Holly, Wake up

1 Year Ago

"I love to hear you scream in pain, Holly." He taunts and i look over to him with my tired eyes, I've been expiremented on for 10 hours straight, Strapped into a bed with an IV Hooked to me.

"It's like music to my ears."  He taunts more as he gets closer to me with the big needle in his hand.

"No Please." I croak, I'm tired.

"No more." I'm so tired.

"But it's time for your second shot Princess." He mocks.

"No Stop!" I try to cry out but my voice is giving out.

"It will only hurt a pinch, Now be a good girl and stay still, Don't want to poke a artery." He laughs manically.

I jolt awake as i gasp for oxygen. Ugh it was just a nightmare. I'm okay. I'm safe. I sit up with sweat all over my face. I scan my eyes but i'm alone in the living room.

Where did the guys go?

I hear voices out in the hallway. Can it be them? Or can it be someone else? We're in lockdown, It possibly can't be Rumlow. Unless..

"Guys?" I ask sort of groggily as i just woke up.

Relieve washes over me when i see Tony step into the living room.

"Hey you okay?" He asks as he takes a seat in front of me.

"Yea just a bad dream." I say as i get up to get a glass of water but he stops me.

"Allow me." He says and gets up and pours water into a glass and hands it to me.

"Thank you." I say as i take it, Taking a sip.

"Have you heard anything from Jamie yet?" I ask as i place the glass onto a coaster.

He looks at me but doesn't say anything.

I'm going to take that as a no

"Tony i'm worried, It's been too long. What if Rumlow-" But i don't finish what i was saying.

"Rumlow didn't get to him. He's fine." He says quickly.

"How do you know? Is he here?" I ask as i look around for him.

He would've came to see me. I would've woken up to him with him right by my side.

Is he still mad at me for blackmailing him?

"Sinclair He's ok. He just needs to get himself together." He says. He's hiding something i know it.

He's probably blaming himself. I need to see him. He's probably an emotional wreck.

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