Whatever It Takes

424 8 18

Warnings- Cussing and mention of choking.

Songs for this chapter are-
Train wreck by James Arthur
Dark red by Steve Lacey (psst I highly recommend you listen to this song as you read 🫢)

"So he got arrested for assualting a police officer?" Wanda asks as i nod as i lay on her bed as she lays on the opposite side, by my feet.

"Yup but if you ask Jamie, He Lightly pushed the police officer." I say as air quote the words with my fingers.

I've been catching up Wands on the past days, Since i haven't been able too.

Jamie went to Alcohol anonymous this morning and Steve went with him for moral support. I wanted to go with him but he didn't want me too.

I didn't want to argue, I was just relieved he went without putting up a fight. And plus it eases me Steve went with him. Besides me, Steve has been there for him, trying to help me get him out of this dark path.

He wants old Bucky back as much as i do. He wants his best friend back. Steve and i made a pact, Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes to get him back.

She chuckles and proceeds to talk.

"I bet he did." She says sarcastically as she also damm well know he used full force with his metal hand.

"Then after i tried to pay for the bail, Turns out Dr. Raynor paid for it and she pulled us both in for a couples therapy session. Mind you i did most of the talking. He walked out mid session, When i asked him if he thought the kidnapping was his fault." I say with a sigh.

"Do you think he blames himself?" She asks softly.

"I do, I mean think about it Wands, Shortly after he slowly started acting out. It's not just his Ptsd and nightmares. He blames himself for the kidnapping, The torture, He blames himself that i now have powers. That's why he can't stand my powers, It's a reminder." I sigh as i put my hand up, motioning every sentence.

"I'm sorry Holly, What are you going to do?" She asks as she rubs my leg for comfort.

"I don't know Wands, But all i know is that i won't give up on him." I sigh out as i stare at the cieling.

I can't

"I made him say it out loud that it wasn't his fault but i still think he'll continue to blame himself."

I sit up and bring my legs in as i hug them.

"I hate this, I fucking hate this. Rumlow did this to us. He got his revenge on him and he didn't even had to touch him. He knew by hurting me it would break Jamie and it did." I cry softly.

Wanda sits up and hugs me as i cry into her arms. She knows everything that happened in that lab, What i went through mentally and physically for a month and a half.

"I won't loose Jamie. I won't let Rumlow win. I'll bring Jamie back." I whisper softly as Wanda carreses my hair.

"What if Bucky doesn't want to come back? What if he wants to stay in the dark? Will you follow him?" She asks me concerned.

"I don't know. I don't want to think about that." I say as i pull away. I wipe my tears away. She looks at my cut she gave me on accident.

"Is it healing?" She asks me and i give her a nod.

She grabs some ointment to put some on. She starts to put some on but her eyes drift to my marked neck that is semi covered by a turtleneck croptop.

My neck was healing from Jamie's handprint from the other night but then last night he woke up in the middle of the night to have sex, needing to release anger.

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