And So it Begins

522 18 21

There's no warnings

Song for this Chapter is-
Jungle by Emma Louise
Weight of the world by Evanescence

I was able to rush out of the compound luckily without anyone seeing me. I didn't want to bother Steve with another burden, He's already in a tough spot with Tony. And i had no time to tell Wanda.

I'm sitting in the lobby as i wait for Bucky to come out. Anxiety rising up thinking about how he assaulted a police officer. He was at a bar in the middle of the night after he made a promise not to cause any trouble.

And the thing is i maybe should have seen this coming, I threw out the Asgardian liquior, That's why he went to a bar and try to get drunk or atleast he was hoping to get tipsy.

Now i have to look into getting him to Alcohol Anonymous and that's going to be fun, It took me a battle for him to follow through therapy. 

I look up from the floor as i hear heavy footsteps approaching me. My disappointing eyes meet his and he looks down as soon as he sees i'm not happy.


"Don't you Pumpkin me, Assaulting a police officer, Seriously Jamie? What the hell happened! Why did you go out to a bar in the middle of the night!" I ask as i get up to stand in front of him. I see he has a small cuts on his knuckles and a small one on his top cheek.

"Is that what they told you, I didn't assault a police officer. I just lightly pushed him." He says as if that was any better.

"Oh yea, With what hand Bucky?" I ask him, He gives me a slight grin as he slightly raises his metal hand. I give him a really look.

Lightly pushed him, Yea right

He probably Lightly pushed him into next Tuesday

"I'm signing you up for alcohol anonymous and i don't want to hear it. You promised me you wouldn't cause any problems and you did in the same night you promised not even a hour before." I say with a sigh. He groans when he hears alcohol Anonymous.

"I don't have a problem with drinking, Holly. I can't even get drunk for fucks sake and technically i didn't cause any trouble. I got in trouble because i wouldn't leave but that prick was being aggressive instead of just asking me to leave." He whisper shouts at me.

"You do! you were so desperate after i drained the Asgardian liquior you sneaked out like a teenager to try to get drunk or hoping atleast tipsy. Drinking away your Ptsd and nightmares isn't going to help James." I snap at him and i can see smoke coming from his ears and nose like a cartoon character when i say his first name.

"Believe me i fucking know and fucking them away doesn't either, Unfortunately." He says kind of harsh and my eyes fall sad.

"Is that the only reason why we have been having more sex at night? I thought we were making love." I say as i look down.

"We do-" He starts to say but i just shake my head no in protest.

"Just forget it, I'm going to go pay the bail." I huff as i shoulder check him as i hear him muttering a fuck under his breath.

"Holly Baby, I'm sorry i didn't mean that." He says, walking behind me, but i ignore him.

"Hi, I'm here to pay the bail for James Buchanan Barnes." I say to the person in charge in the front desk as Bucky stands right next to me, trying to reach for my hand but i pull it away.

"His bail has already been paid for." He informs me. I arch my eyebrow as i'm confused, I haven't paid for the bail yet. I look at Bucky and he shrugs his shoulders in confusion.

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