Chapter 1

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New story! I'm sorry its taken me forever to give you a new story but having split up with my husband of twenty years last year, I've struggled. I really hope you enjoy this look into the Halloween Holidaze and enjoy everything that Geroge and Devinah discover. As usual please give me your thoughts.


Chapter 1

Devinah stared around her, and her shoulders slumped. Was this really where she'd ended up? Surely, they had it wrong and this was a joke.

She glanced at the Higher God who had escorted her to this dreary Holidaze. The Higher God did nothing but point, and Devinah sighed.

"This is where you expect the delighter of the world to belong?" Devinah huffed.

"No, no, of course not. We just need a temporary supervisor while the new leader of the Holidaze settles in. You can help him adapt to this new environment," the Higher God made an uncomfortable little bow.

"I'm the delighter of the world, not the scarer of the world. How am I going to help the Halloween Holidaze? I don't belong here," Devinah raised her voice as she thrust a finger towards her new home.

"You need not belong here. We only need you here for a small period of time until the new leader knows how to run things," the Higher God offered a confident smile.

"Seriously? If it's like the Saint Patrick's Day Holidaze, where you forced me to dress up like a leprechaun, or the Easter Holidaze, where you turned me into a rabbit, then I'm done. I'm not going to let you shuffle me around all these different Holidaze anymore. You can make me human and send me back to their dimension," Devinah ranted, and the Higher God tried to hide their wince.

"This is only a temporary job we require you to do. Once Salem, or the man who thinks his name is George, realises he is actually Salem, he can take over the running of things..."

"George? Are you telling me the leader of all things dark and scary has the name of George? I've never heard anything less scary in my life," Devinah sneered.

"His mother took him from the Holidaze when he was younger, so he doesn't recall that his actual name is Salem. He will only answer to George," the Higher God said, and Devinah raised her eyebrows.

"How did that happen?"

"We are unsure."

"You seem to be unsure of a heck of a lot of things, for people who are supposed to be in charge," Devinah drawled.

The Higher God cleared his throat and continued talking while gesturing into the Holidaze they stood in front of, "he must take over from his father who recently disappeared. We have to assume that the leader has died, and we must replace him before it turns into a riot."

"And you expect me to walk in there and add some form of assistance. Are you insane?"

The Higher God said nothing, nor did he appear at all insulted by Devinah's demands. He simply folded his hands together in front of him and waited for her to calm down.

All of the Higher Gods had struggled with finding a place for Devinah in amongst the many Holidaze. The delighter of the world had found difficulties in every place they sent her. She didn't belong anywhere.

"You are a skilled manager of people. Look at how well you worked with Cupid," the Higher God said only to receive the darkest of glares.

"That imbecile only started working properly because you found the REAL Goddess of Love, it had nothing to do with me," she snarled.

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