"Take a good look at them, those are not just any pictures" – encouraged Eddie making the brown-haired male scoff and look at the pictures with more detail

"Am I supposed to know who this man is?" – Asked Harry annoyed

"If you take a good look at his uniform, it looks like is someone that works for OSCORP" – declared Eddie – "and that someone broke into my and Felicia's apartment, trashed the whole place trying to look for god knows what or maybe you just send him out of malice and jealousy" – he explained

"Please Brock, don't make me laugh, why would I send someone to your apartment?" – Asked Harry laughing in a mocking manner

"Why not? After all I stole your girl and I tried to take down your whole corporation because of the human trials" – suggested Eddie

"My corporation is still working and I'm not crying in a hole because of Felicia, there a whole bunch of fishes in the sea for me to worry about her" – explained Harry

"Yeah, but the pictures were out there still and there was a whole controversy about it, you almost got cancelled for what I remember" – said Eddie

"But I'm still here thriving just like my company, so I don't need to send anyone to broke into a low-grade photographer's apartment for anything" – said Harry

"You can clearly see the logo of your company in the guy's jacket" – said Eddie

"I think you are overreaching Brock" – mocked Harry

"It was one of your workers, I just know it" – stated Eddie looking at the male behind the desk

"And your proof is a glitchy and blurry picture of what it seems to be the logo of my company?" – said Harry with a cocky smirk

"You have your reasons to come for me and Felicia or even the world itself after what happened to your father, don't try to play the victim here" – said Eddie

"Keep my father's name out of your mouth" – warned Harry

"What are you gonna do? Huh? Because in case you forgot you are at disadvantage" – said Eddie with a smirk and his eyes turned black for a moment before going back to normal

"Ok, that's it, you are out Brock" – said Harry standing from his seat and security came walking through after he called them with a button under his desk

"Sir, let's go, you need to walk out of the office" – said one of the security guards

"I can go out by myself, just remember that I will rain hell on you" – said Eddie

"I wanna see you try" – challenged Harry with a smirk

"Sir, step out of the office, now" – said the other security guard with his hand over his stun gun ready to shoot

"I can't wait for your downfall, I will see it burn just like your father's" – mocked Eddie

"Fuck you, Brock!" – Yelled Harry grabbing something from the drawer on his desk taking out a gun and shooting at the blonde male

Thankfully for the photographer Venom expanded from his chest creating a shield from the bullets, the two security guards freaked out and took out their stun guns to shot at Eddie, but Venom took over his body to protect him from the shock attack of the stun guns, he grabbed both cables as both were stuck on his body and pulled the security guards until both fell on the floor.

Harry took a shot with his gun again to the alien who turned to him ready to attack growling at the young millionaire but an alarm blared around the building and specially on the office making him screech and cover his ears before looking around and spotting the window and started to run towards it, Harry shoot more at the alien before it jumped out of the window.

Web Warriors: Part 2. Legacy IncarnateWhere stories live. Discover now