"Sounds like you two had a real healthy relationship," I respond awkwardly since I wasn't sure of how to feel after hearing this information. Miles lets out a half assed laugh in response, he doesn't seem too fond of Harley or even regretful in any way. I turn on my side to face him, he does the same.

"You were right," He says.


"I WAS being an idiot," Miles states casually before getting up and walking over to his electric guitar again. He starts to tune it by listening to the notes that he plucks on each string meticulously. I lean back on my hands and watch him for a bit before switching to lying on the bed so that I feel more comfortable and so that my wrists don't break. After he plays at least three songs and a few random riffs, I get up and ask him if I can have a go playing. I learnt acoustic when I was younger for like a year so I only know about one and a half songs but I still wanted to see how much I remembered and if I could play it on an electric guitar. 

It has been three weeks or so since I had first moved in with Miles and his weird family. Quint has been getting creepier and creepier to live around and Miles has been spending unnecessary amounts of time at the Icebox doing god knows what with god knows who. When he is out with Quint I feel sick to my core knowing he is probably out being dangerous and physical with any hot girls he somehow manages to seduce. Miss Jessel seems to be so on edge at this point. I caught a glimpse of her through her door this morning. She was sitting in the corner of her room, gasping and crying, heavy breathes and hands tearing at her hair. 

It is now ten pm and I am currently walking up the creaky, dusty carpeted stairs which lead to the same hallway (I'm hoping) as where most of our bedrooms are. The darkness and silence is hauntingly still but all the same I feel surrounded, watched. I am now nearest to Miles' bedroom when I hear footsteps, a shiver shoots down my spine because I know that Miles is probably out and that Flora is with Miss Jessel who is also in the kitchen with Mrs Grose right now. I am terrified by the creepy sounds coming from behind me. I feel breath near the back of my neck but I'm just far enough away that I don't hear it. I spin around and grab the person, slamming them into the wall.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shout at Miles, who I trap against the wall with my hands in an effort to stop him from escaping.

"I was walking down a hallway in my own house," Miles sasses me and then smirks when he realizes that he scared the shit out of me.

"Why are you so jumpy?" He asks but more in a taunting way than an are you ok way.

"I thought you were out and everyone else is either at the stables or in the kitchen so when creepy sounds start coming out of shadows like a normal person would, I get jumpy," I say, barely taking a breath as I am now very much so alert and full of adrenaline.

"Ok. So...are you going to get off of me or do you just like being in this position?" Miles smirks as he takes a step forward so that his arms are slightly brushing mine, our bodies two inches away from touching.

"Miles, why do you have to make this weird, honestly," I roll my eyes whilst a little smirk forms on my face. As I look into his eyes I notice them quickly flutter down to my lips which makes my heart jump out of my chest. Can he not look at me like that!

"I like seeing you all flustered and mad, it's cute," He says, his eyes paralyzing my body from moving, my hands firmly planted on the walls beside him and my feet glued to the floor. I hesitate, then I scoff and grab his hand. I drag him to his bedroom and we sit down on the bed side by side, looking into each others eyes, blank expressions on both of our faces. I don't know what to do from here. I honestly didn't think through what I wanted to say.

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