Chapter 11

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The morning of graduation Aiden ran around the orphanage and found Izzy down in the main hall. He ran up to her all excited and pinned her against the wall. "I'll do it. I'll claim rogue for my decision. BUT Eden has to agree as well or we all stay." 

After Aiden told her that he would claim rogue at graduation with her, Izzy was so thrilled. She threw her arms around Aiden and gave him a long hot kiss. They spent a few minutes in each other's embrace and chatted about starting a whole new life outside the kingdom. When Aiden drew away from her to go find Eden, she started jumping up and down joyfully. 

It did annoy Izzy that Aiden was SO close with his sister though. Shouldn't SHE be closer since SHE was his mate?! All she could think about now was how would she get rid of Eden after they were forced off the castle grounds at Decision Day. 

The orphanage was all abuzz by midday with the graduation kids packing up their things, and getting ready for their new adventures. The younger orphans were moving up to new quarters, and room changes were being made. Mrs. Winters never wants to hear the graduate kids' decisions until they announce it at the ceremony.  She wants to be just as surprised with everyone else, but she always felt like she knew in her heart what they were going to choose. 

Aiden had already searched the grounds for Izzy and now he had to find Eden before getting ready for the ceremony. He looked in the cafeteria where she liked to hang out reading in a corner booth. She wasn't there. 

Aiden went to ask Mrs Winters if she had seen Eden after he thought he had searched everywhere. Unfortunately, she didn’t know Eden's whereabouts either, and she was far too busy to help him search. Mrs. Winters suggested the nursery where Eden volunteered once in a while. Then she shooed him off in that direction. 

Aiden peered through the glass door of the nursery and found Eden. She was sitting cross legged on the floor with the toddlers in the nursery. They were building towers out of tiny colorful blocks and laughing. He gently popped the door open and stood in the doorway admiring the joy in her face. Once Eden caught him, he came in and plopped himself down next to her. 

One of the toddler boys handed him a block and pointed at his tower. He indicated to Aiden that he wanted him to put it on top. Aiden, confused, stared at the boy for a second. Then Eden snatched the block from Aiden’s hand and set it on top of the boy's tiny tower. Aiden and Eden chuckled over that. “I love how you always know what these kiddos are saying,” he laughs. Eden replies “They’re the only friends I have ever had, so I speak gibberish, and pointy REALLY well! Also I had to come say goodbye. I wonder if Mrs. Winters will let me visit once in a while?” 

Aiden looks at the joy leaving Eden’s face and is replaced by a sad one. He got serious and said “I really need to talk to you. Can we go outside?”

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