"Uh, yeah. In the kitchen," I replied. "Um, what is the hair for?"

"I'm working on an early warning system. Lucien has all the witch Ancestors in New Orleans on his side. I need to know if they tried to magically interfere with any of my siblings," she explained.

"Freya, when we said no rest for the wicked, I certainly didn't expect you to—" Elijah was saying as he handed over a lock he plucked from his own head.

"I'm up against centuries of dead witches who are apparently now strong enough to reach beyond the grave and shake the entire city on its foundation. I'll rest once I've sent them all running back to hell," she told us both.

"Great, everyone is in a wartime rage and stubborn mood," I murmured.

"And you're a delight," Elijah teased with a smirk.

I purses my lips, "Migraine. It happens around you lot."

Elijah chuckled while Freya walked off, in the direction of the kitchen so I'm sure she was going to get some coffee. "Marcel called. I'm off to meet him now. Tell your brother, if he cares, asks, or isn't listening in now. Okay?" I smiled sarcastically at Elijah.

"Good day to you too," he mumbled as I walked past him without waiting for a reply.


Thursday, January 17th
9:56 AM

I rushed into St. James' Infirmary, the bar. I could hear voices. "Okay, we got to get her consecrated right now. If we don't we can't even attempt to get her back," Vincent I believe was speaking.

"We can't consecrate her!"

That was Kol. Oh, God. Consecrate who? I picked up my pace to find three men, all steps behind the other. Vincent leaning over a table where a body laid. Marcel behind him, raising his voice as he turned to Kol, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, my God!" I gasped. "What happened?"

"The Ancestors despise Davina. If we consecrate her, she'll wake up in their domain, and they will destroy her," Kol said.

"Davina?" I frowned, glancing at the body. I found myself in Marcel's arms suddenly. He sighed deeply as he squeezed me tight.

"Thanks for coming," he said.

"Anything you need, you name it. Are you okay? What happened?" I whispered, staring up at my dear friend.

"It was me," Kol said. Blood all over his shirt. My jaw dropped as I saw his remorseful expression. He was cursed. He killed the woman he loved? No. No, no, no. That was too far, even for the ancestors. Too tragic even for the Mikaelsons.

"Alright, we all want to help her, so we need to make sure that she's consecrated, but she's got to be safe so we're gonna pull her into a place where she's protected, then we can resurrect her..." Vincent trailed off, turning back to Davina on the table. "And that's gonna require a lot of energy, and my power's not what it used to be before I got shunned."

"Alright, we need Freya," Marcel said. I nodded in agreement, pulling out my phone.

"You think my family's going to help? Nik hates Davina. Freya will not defy him," Kol scoffed.

"This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for your family," Marcel snarled back at him.

"Hey, hey, enough," I told them both. "If we're going to save her and bring her back, we don't have time to argue. Vincent, prepare her body. You two, come with me."

"We don't need Klaus' permission, we have Danielle's," Marcel smirked at Kol.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Freya may do what he says, but every now and then, he succumbs to my wants. Especially when it's important. And nothing is more important than this. We will get her back, boys."

I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now